
Monday, January 27, 2014

Weekend Recap

Sometimes I feel like I live for the weekends... Just letting the work days pass so that I can make it to Friday night and sleep in Saturday. I always love recapping those weekend days that pass all too quickly. Here is what my weekend visiting J consisted of:

Homemade Mexican bean burgers and sweet potato fries made by J all by himself! SO yummy! 

Saturday, we were up and about pretty early to eat a [huge] breakfast and pick up a birthday gift for J's brother. Lucky for me while we were out I came across some crazy good sales. I'm talking $10 banana republic cords and a $12 loft sweater just to name a few. How can you say no? That night we celebrated Bradley's 25th birthday with his family. It was so much fun! 

A late Saturday night called for a very lazy Sunday. After lots and lots of laying around I finally made the dreaded drive home. I will be so happy when we no longer have to drive 3 hours on the weekends! I was super happy to finally get home and get in my bed to catch up on blogs. This is sometimes my happy place... so peaceful! I hope you all had a nice weekend! Now my friends in these parts can get on to preparing for possible snow Tuesday/Wednesday!


  1. That burger looks awesome!


  2. Glad you had a great weekend! Our Saturday night was LATE, too!

  3. That dinner looks delicious! We are supposed to get snow here too. Also, the coast is supposed to get inches! I can't wait to see what is going to happen!


Sweet Thoughts(: