
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Five On Friday

Naturally I typed up a 5 on Friday post and forgot to publish it.geez louise. We will call this Five on Saturday (:

Happy Friday friends! I'm linking up once again for Five on Friday with 4 of my favorite blogs Thanks for hosting AprilChristinaDarci and Natasha

one. I never had a chance to recap last weekend! It was such a nice time I want to make sure I document it. I headed to my hometown with my sister to celebrate her 22nd birthday. Justin came for the weekend as well so we could still do a little valentines celebration. After a weekend of family, two home cooked meals by my mom, 1 huge lunch at Macaroni Grill, 1 afternoon of drinks and Carolina basketball and a church service I left with a full heart and 5 pounds heavier. I kid.. hopefully.

two.Please just take a second to see how clever my boyfriend is. Ah, I was so tickled when I saw his very creative idea to protect his not so waterproof loafers from the snow.  

three. I have always loved chips and dip for a snack. When I saw this peach mango salsa I knew I had to try it. If you love peaches/mangoes then I think you would like it. I can't get enough of it! 

four. This week Eastern, NC has had temps in the upper 60's. I cannot express how much this gorgeous/oh so perfect weather has lifted my spirits. I always get very motivated when the temperature starts rising. I know this is just a tease as it is supposed to get very cold again soon but I am soaking up every second of the warm weather while I can! I was able to get out and do a little walk/run and it has me motivated to get back to running. whoop whoop! Motivation I tell ya. 

five. This weekend I am heading to the beach to see J. I am even more excited than normal because the nice weather is supposed to last throughout the weekend. We are going to a wine tasting on Saturday and I couldn't be more excited! 


  1. Sounds like the perfect weekend at home!

    And I'm the same way with the weather..I went for a jog the other day-my first workout since summer!!

  2. This weather has been amazing! I am loving the almost spring temperatures. Mango salsa is the best and very addicting!!

  3. hahaha love the bags on his feet! so clever!!

  4. Visiting from the link up. Where did you get that Peach Mango salsa? Looks good!


Sweet Thoughts(: