
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Oh so thankful today

This morning I was sitting in a workshop listening to renowned author, Eric Jensen, coffee in hand, watching the snow fall. I couldn't help but feel so blessed at the moment. It's the little things that make the biggest difference! So today I thought I would share two of the things I am feeling extra thankful for today. 

one. I'm normally not a big snow fan because of not wanting to be stuck in the house or make up days at school but today I can't help but put those thoughts on hold. The snowflakes falling today are HUGE and absolutely GORGEOUS.

two. I joined a new all girls bible study that meets once a week. I've only been once but I can already tell it's going to be a perfect fit. The opportunity to join this particular one literally fell into my lap. I know it's meant to be! 

Have a happy Tuesday friends!


  1. We haven't had any snow days! so sad!

  2. This post makes my heart happy! So great to stop and take a minute to be thankful! The snow here is gorgeous too!


Sweet Thoughts(: