
Monday, June 16, 2014

Hello Summer

Well hello summer! Nice to see you. I am officially out of school for summer break and am already loving every minute. I have two post typed up from last week that I started and never had a chance to finish or post them. Between the end of the school year, saying goodbye to friends and coworkers and moving out of my classroom and house, last week was crazy busy. 

On the first grade hall there are 3 teachers including myself that have taken a position in another grade level or at another school. We met at a restaurant one night last week to have a goodbye dinner. I was completely surprised when they showered us with balloons, cake and a basket full of goodies. Everything in the basket was blue and read "We will be so blue without you". It was just adorable! 

On the very last day of school a bunch of the K-2 teachers got together to celebrate. To say we had fun was an understatement. We spent about 5 hours at the table talking and laughing. These girls have found a special place in my heart. I already miss them so much! 

first grade girls 

Can you tell we love each other? 

The whole group

I will forever be thankful for the opportunity to spend two years working with such a fabulous group of girls! They taught me so much about teaching and about life in general. They have became some of my best friends. They will forever hold a special place in my heart. While the last day was full of smiles it was also full of tears as I told everyone goodbye. The whole process of moving has definitely been bittersweet. I am SO excited to start this new chapter but it's still sad closing the old one. 

This past weekend I headed down to see Justin and to attend the wedding of one of his friends. We have been to 4 weddings this spring. Whew, that's a lot of weekends and outfit planning! We get a break now though as this one was the last until they start back up in the fall. 

 Happy Monday friends! I'm spending mine at my parents house sleeping in and drinking coffee slow. (;  


  1. Y'all are the cutest!!!! Girl...I remember from my k teacher days how sweet this moment is!!!! Thank ya JESUS for summer! :)

  2. I randomly stumbled on your blog, and I am absolutely loving it! Girl.. I got so sad reading this post! I am a teacher too, and several of my wonderful teacher friends are moving on to different schools and new adventures, and I am going to miss them dearly! It is so awesome to get to work with people you love! Enjoy your summer and congrats on your new adventure! :)
    Brittney Marie


Sweet Thoughts(: