
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Home Inspiration

Ever since we went to see our new house I have been dreaming and pinning tons of ideas on how to decorate. (I know I'm jumping the gun since we technically haven't closed yet but everything seems to be right on track!) I want to share some of my ideas so they are somewhere other than just in my head and I don't forget little details! 

Yesterday me and my mom went to Greensboro to check out World Market and a few furniture consignment stores. I'm already in love with World Market. They have so many adorable things for the home!! 

please excuse the random selfie ..

I only made 1 purchase because until we get in and get measurements it's hard to know exactly what we need. My first purchase for our home was this framed chalkboard from World Market. I just love it!! I already know exactly where I want to put it. Can you tell I was a little excited? 

That small wall between the kitchen and hall way where the black arrows are, is where I plan to hang the chalkboard. I think it will fit that wall perfect. If not, there are plenty of other places a chalkboard would work. 

I also want to have our couch turned to separate the living room and dining room. Placed at the back of the couch and to the right when you first walk in I want to put this Everett Foyer Table from World Market. I love everything about this table and have pretty much already bought it in my mind. I'm just waiting for them to have a sale and it's mine! It's very long and thing which would be perfect for our living room.

My next idea is I would LOVE to put a white mantel under the TV in the living room. I'm not sure yet if we will keep the TV where it is or move it to another wall but either way I think a white mantel would add a lot to the room. Now I'm on the hunt for the perfect inexpensive white wood mantel. Any suggestions on where to look?

I know it will take time to get our home just the way we want it but I plan to enjoy every minute of the process! 


  1. I love World Market - so fun! I love your sunglasses, too! Where did you get them?

  2. That sofa table is to die for! Love love love it!

  3. The best part of moving is by far the redecorating! Love that table by the way. I've seen it all over pinterest! I love that you can style it so many different ways!

  4. SO exciting!! I love World Market and you and your mom are the cutest!

  5. What a beautiful bunch! I can see where you got your charm from. Anyway, I love how simple and elegant the look you're going for is. I'm sure you'll be having your dream home in no time. Just make sure to keep us posted with the updates. I'll be looking forward to them. All the best! :)

    Maggie Grant @ The Find Consignment


Sweet Thoughts(: