
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Engagement Part 2

First I want to say a BIG thank you to all of the love and support sent my way on this little old blog yesterday! It means so much to have a place to share all of my exciting news! If you missed the proposal yesterday you can read about it here

After we got back from the beach I of course made all of my phone calls to family and friends. Little did I know my closest friends and family already knew. They acted surprised but I found out later in the evening they had been expecting the phone call the whole time. Sneaky Justin! We got ready for dinner and headed to Clark's Seafood and Chophouse for our first dinner as a newly engaged couple. They had a dish called "hurricane chicken" on the menu. I of course felt obligated to order it considering I had just been proposed to during a hurricane! There was another newly engaged couple sitting across from us which made it fun to share congratulations and send drinks each others way. After dinner we started to head home. Justin told me there was a HOA meeting going on in the clubhouse and his family wanted us to stop by. I thought it was a little strange he wanted to go to a HOA meeting but didn't think too much about it because it was an opportunity to share our news with everyone in the neighborhood. Once we opened the door I quickly realized it was NOT a HOA meeting but instead a surprise engagement party! The tears quickly started flowing being surrounded by our closest friends and family. His uncle told me there was one more surprise in the kitchen. I made my way to the kitchen to find my mom and sister and once again the tears were flowing. (Side note- many of J's family and friends lives or vacations close by. My friends and family are however all out of town so to have them here was a complete shock and SO special.) 

hugs for my sister

hugs for mom!

 Justin's mom giving me my "bride to be" sash 

Everything was so detailed and GORGEOUS! 

happy happy happy! 

my friend Jessica!


some of Justin's friends

right before the champagne toast that was hilarious and so thoughtful! 

Our new C initial for our house! 

you can use the straw coming out of these cupcakes to suck the pink lemonade filling out. So neat! 

This picture doesn't do these gorgeous flowers justice 

Sharing our special moment with all of our friends and family reminded me how lucky I am to have each and every one of these people in my life. It was the absolute best evening ever. I will forever be thankful! 

As if all of that wasn't enough- the WFMB news even caught wind of the "hurricane proposal" and asked to do an interview to share our story. Of course we said YES! Here is the news video! 


  1. So cute! What a good fiance for planning such a surprise! And I love the news interview!

  2. That is so awesome that your family threw you a surprise party. I saw the video on Facebook - so awesome! And such a great way to remember your engagement!

  3. What an awesome surprise and memory to look back on forever! I love that you have the proposal on video and even got on the news! So happy for you girl!

  4. That party looks so fun and thoughtful! The flowers really were gorgeous! Also...too funny that y'all wound up on the news!

  5. I love all of this! You definitely snagged a good one! He's very thoughtful to have planned everything out like he did. I'm so happy for you girl!


Sweet Thoughts(: