
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

He asked, I said YES!

I know I have been MIA for a few days but for good reason! I have been in a complete whirlwind state of mind sharing the exciting engagement news with friends and family. I can officially say JUSTIN AND I ARE GETTING MARRIED. It's still crazy saying those words.. proposed, engaged, married, fiance', I just love hearing it though! Okay, so on to our story.. 

Five days ago, on Thursday Justin and I had plans to go have dinner and enjoy the views at the Murrells Inlet MarshWalk. This is by far one of my favorite places to go. He had the whole week off and visiting Bubba's love shack at the MarshWalk was on our "must do" list. That was until hurricane Arthur hit and any plans to go enjoy views and dinner outdoors came to a halt fast. Instead we spent the day hanging out watching the news and spending time with his family. I noticed J seemed unusually upset about not being able to go but I chalked it up to he wanted to do something fun on his vacation and it was the last free day we had before 4th of July festivities. What I did NOT know was that this was the day he had planned on proposing to me for months and the hurricane was not playing nice. After coming to reality he asked me if I would like to go check out the waves and then go to
dinner at Clark's seafood and chop house. We had seen pictures of how huge the waves were all day so I didn't think twice about his idea. I did give him the whole "I really don't want to get my hair wet before dinner" spill not realizing once again I was putting a shift in his plans. He told me that was fine and we decided to go on to check the waves out right then. We got to the beach and everything was GORGEOUS. The rain stopped, the wind was blowing but not too hard, the clouds were so pretty and unique looking, the waves were huge and everything just seemed sort of calm and peaceful. (By then I think the worst of the hurricane was over) 

I was busy snapping pictures of the sky when Justin began talking about our relationship. I was still snapping away until I realized he was being very serious. I quickly gave him my full attention where he said some of the sweetest things some of which I remember and some that I couldn't tell you because of the complete shock of the moment. Before I know it Justin got down on his knee and asked me the words you always dream of hearing "Will you marry me?" At this point the shock was at an all time high and I just looked at him wanting to say YES but unable to even mutter a sound. 10 seconds later the tears set in and I started crying out of happiness. I remember thinking "AMANDA, you have to say something" so of course I said YES!! We spent the next little bit full of smiles, hugs, tears and happiness. Justin's cousin had been there the whole time watching and got it all on video and tons of pictures. Pictures are something I always wanted in a proposal so it was just perfect to have her there! 

 still in shock 

then the tears

 then, YES!

I couldn't stop staring at my GORGEOUS ring! 

It was a moment I will NEVER forget. I never imagined my absolute best friend would ask me to marry him in the middle of a hurricane! I wouldn't change a thing about it though. I am so excited to marry you Justin! I love you! 

I'll be back tomorrow to tell you about the rest of the day- dinner, a SURPRISE engagement party and even being contacted by the news!


  1. That's so exciting! Best wishes to you!!

  2. Aw congratulations! What a sweet story :)

  3. I'm soooo happy for you guys!

  4. YAYYYYY! So excited for you sweet girl!!

  5. OMG I am so excited for you! And that ring is GORGEOUS girl! I can't wait to hear more about the rest of the night!

  6. I'm SO SO SO excited for you! Congratulations! Such a memorable story!

  7. So exciting! And the pictures are adorable! Congratulations!

  8. Congrats, I just love your ring! I just go your email and will get back with you ASAP.

  9. Congratulations! Your ring is GORGEOUS! Love the photos!

    Ellen | A Pop of Pink

  10. Congratulations!!! I got engaged on the beach too, so I'm a little partial but I totally think it makes for the best proposals :) Can't wait to read about wedding planning!

  11. Congratulations!!! The pictures are so so perfect - his cousin did a great job of catching the moment. Can't wait to read more tomorrow! xo

  12. So happy for you--such a sweet story! I actually like that Justin's plans kept getting derailed...makes for a more memorable story down the road!

  13. CONGRATS!!! What an exciting way to begin the next step in your lives:-)


Sweet Thoughts(: