
Friday, July 25, 2014

Five on Friday

I cannot believe this is the last Friday in July. Where did this month go?! It seems like we were celebrating the 4th of July just yesterday. I'm hoping the rest of the summer will slow down some. I need a few more days to sleep in and work on my tan before school starts. Here are a few things going on in my world this Friday. 

Please check out this absolutely adorable care package my best friend and Maid of Honor sent me. Complete with a cooler monogrammed with my soon to be new initials, napkins, The Knot: Carolina's edition, HGTV magazine and the sweetest note. Is she not the best?! 

I have been spending my days snapping way too many pictures of this cute thing. By the way.. do you know how hard it is to get a 18 month old to take a nap? Nearly impossible. 

Remember the days I used to talk about relaxing by the pool with a good book? Oh no, not any more. Add 5 kids, a pool full of water and slippery walkway and you have one paranoid babysitter.

I can check off another summer bucket list item. (read here) I finally made it to a Pelicans game! Justin's work reserved a section for employees on this particular game so it was the perfect time to enjoy some baseball. The game was a blow out so we didn't stay the whole time. We did make sure to enjoy a hot dog before we left though. Don't they just taste better at a baseball game?

..and so that we all start the weekend on a happy note. Always a good reminder to be grateful! 

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how fast summer has flown by either! I am not ready to go back to work in August! Trying to make the best of the little bit of summer I have left.


Sweet Thoughts(: