
Monday, July 28, 2014

Weekend Recap: Seafood Boil

Happy Monday y'all! I hope you had a fabulous weekend. Mine flew by, just as they all do. 

This weekend Justin and I were invited over to a new friends house for a seafood boil. There is something about a seafood boil that  makes me instantly happy. Maybe it's the fact that it brings friends together, or that it screams summer.  Since I am new to the area I haven't met a lot of people yet so it was so nice for them to reach out to us! We had the best time getting to know them and another couple that was also there.  

I didn't want to show up empty handed and have been wanting to try out a new Oreo Layer Cake recipe I recently stumbled across. I found the recipe on Lew Party of 2 blog and knew I just had to try it. I have to say it ended up being a huge hit with everyone- kids and adults. It was absolutely delicious and easily fed everyone with leftovers. Next time I make it I'm going to make a few changes. I was about 1 cup short of oreos which probably had to do with the pan size. I also learned if you want the top cool whip layer to not turn brown from layer #3 of chocolate pudding then you should keep some extra cool whip off to the side for touch ups. I'll definitely be making it again sometime soon. 

On Sunday Justin and I tried out a new church. For our first time there we both really liked it! There is a Smithfield Barbecue right down the street so we have already decided if we make it our new church home we can have BBQ lunches every Sunday. That's a win in my book! Our weekend was full of friends, food, church and the rest just relaxing. Weekends like that are sometimes far and few between with our busy schedules. I love when we can keep it low key! 

It was a great weekend but I'm also so excited for this week! I am going to look at a possible wedding venue today. [Insert huge grin] yayy! Happy Monday friends(:

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Sweet Thoughts(: