
Monday, October 27, 2014

Wedding Recap

I posted yesterday about my friend Sarah's bachelorette trip to Charleston, SC. Well, I'm back today with a recap of her wedding day! This wedding was so special! I am honored I was a part of Mike and Sarah's special day. You could truly see the love they have for one another! 

I set up a mimosa bar for the bridesmaids to kick off the wedding day. We were able to eat and sip our drinks at the house while we had our hair done and got ready. I think everyone needed a little something to ease the nerves before the big day! (; 

Have a little faith & if that doesn't work, have a lot of mimosas

It's hard to see here but we had peach, orange and grapefruit juice for the drinks

some of the girls getting ready!

with the maid of honor and bride to be! 

all of the bridesmaids 

After a fun filled morning getting ready for the big event it was time to load up the car and head to Sarah's church. I don't have a ton of pictures from the ceremony and reception because I was so busy and having a ball! I can promise you though it was the most gorgeous wedding EVER! The ceremony was sweet and sincere. I might have even shed a tear as Sarah walked down the aisle. The food was delicious at the reception and the dance floor was full all night. I call that a success! 

With my main squeeze (:

This picture isn't the best quality but it's all of our ECU girls back together! 

I had to sneak a picture of Henson in here somewhere. I was missing him up a storm all weekend and couldn't wait to get home to him!!  

I still can't believe one of my best friends is married! I'm so happy for you Mike and Sarah!! 

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