
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Wedding Wednesday: Say Yes to the Dress

[yes, I know it's Thursday... I had this post all typed up and forgot to publish it yesterday. That's okay though.. who says you can't do wedding Wednesday a day late?! (; ]

It's official! I said "yes to the dress!" I went wedding dress shopping with a small group of the girls closest to me in my life. I have to admit I was a little nervous going into it. There is so much pressure on finding THE perfect dress. My nerves quickly went away though as I started looking at a gazillion gorgeous gowns. Going into it, I had a good idea of two styles of dresses that I liked but wanted to have an open mind. It turns out that one of the styles I thought I loved really didn't look that great on me. The other style though, oh my word... Love at first sight. Of course I can't tell you the exact dress/style but I will show you my inspiration photos to give you an idea! 

Okay, on to the big day! I took with me the most important girls in my life- my mom, sister, grandmother, best friend Ashley and family friends Linda and Carolina who are like a second mom/sister to me. It may seem like a lot of people but I couldn't imagine the day without them! We started the day off with a brunch at my parents house. Breakfast casserole, fruit, grits, mimosas... not the best thing for my figure but oh so good! My co-maid of honor, Ashley brought all of the bridesmaids (and the bride!) the most adorable "say yes to the dress" bags with monogrammed glasses inside. They came just in time for the mimosas! We then headed off to Greensboro to start our dress shopping. I ended up looking at three different stores. I found two dresses that I just LOVED. After a lot of comparing and analyzing the two dresses I knew without a doubt which one was perfect for me. ..just like that I had found my wedding dress! This is a day most girls dream of and I see why! It was such a special day. I know I will treasure the memory forever! 


  1. Those bags have to be from All She Wrote Notes. I can recognize May's handwriting from almost anywhere :P And yay for saying yes to the dress! Such a fun and exciting time :P

  2. Congrats on finding your dress! can't wait to see what it looks like

  3. I can't wait to see what your dress looks like, I'm hopefully going to start looking for mine in the next few weeks & I definitely want to find one similar to the bottom left one that you posted, there's just something about that lace!

    xoxo, SS


Sweet Thoughts(: