
Friday, November 14, 2014

Five on Friday

I'm linking up this Friday for five on Friday. Thanks to the host: A.Liz AdventuresCarolina CharmThe Good Life, and Hello Happiness. Let's jump right in(:

One. Guacamole- get in my belly now 

I am majorly craving some homemade guacamole right about now. I have a busy wedding weekend coming up so it may be Sunday before I can fill this craving. ahh.. that seems too long! I've never made it myself but I'm tempted to try. Does anyone else make their own guac or am I better off heading to our local Mexican restaurant?

Two. Henson

Please look how much Henson has grown! If you don't know what he looked like before read here. He has been waking me up every morning about 5 minutes before my alarm goes off. I can't complain because waking up to puppy breath is heart warming!! (The sound of my alarm.. not so much) He has been doing this thing where he lays his head right on my neck when he wakes up and MELT my heart. I can't get enough. Love that little man(: 

Three. Christmas 

I know, I know... I'm one of those people talking about Christmas before Thanksgiving but I just can't help it. I went to a couples shower with a Christmas ornament theme a few weekends ago. As I was browsing a Christmas store in hunt of the perfect ornament I officially caught Christmas fever. How could you not when you are surrounded by Christmas trees, ornaments, Christmas music and Christmas potpourri.  

Four. Piko tops for the win
They (meaning all the important fashion people out there) have finally figured it out. I just bought 2 new piko tops because I've decided I could wear them every day. They are loose and comfortable but with fitted arms that flatter and so so soft. I currently have them in 5 colors and am still on the hunt for an olive green one. 7 days of the week calls for 7 colors right?! (; 

Five. Wedding Weekend 

Happy wedding weekend to this sweet couple! I can't wait to see Adam and Sam tie the knot this weekend. Justin is a groomsmen in their wedding so we will be attending the rehearsal dinner and wedding this weekend. Let the good times roll! (: 

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