
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Christmas 2014

This year I was able to spend Christmas Eve in our new house with Justin's family and then wake up and travel home Christmas morning to spend Christmas with my family. I was worried how I would balance Christmas with two families in the mix but it worked out just perfect. Christmas Eve we had all of Justin's family over to our house for dinner, drinks and gifts. I was thrilled to get to spend part of Christmas with them for the first time ever. To keep things simple but also delicious everyone brought their own steak and potato and we had salad, rolls, tons of appetizers and butter finger pie. 

Christmas morning I woke up bright and early to head to my parents house. Justin couldn't join this year because of his work schedule. Fingers crossed that he can next year! Even though we could not be together I was so happy to be home with my family. There is just something peaceful about being "home" with your family. My mom made a big lunch, a yummy limoncello drink and we exchanged our gifts to each other. The past few years it has become a tradition to get together with our best girl friends Christmas night for a cocktail. This may have been my favorite year yet... so much fun with these girls!! We could talk for days on end and never run out of things to say. I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking. I'm so thankful for such wonderful family and friends who made Christmas 2014 one to remember! 


  1. Love the Bud Light's decorated as reindeer. So festive! Looks like you had a great Christmas.

  2. Looks like y'all (including Henson!) had a happy holiday!

    xoxo, SS

  3. Love your tree topper and sweet Henson!


Sweet Thoughts(: