
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 in Review

2014 has been a year to remember for me. When I sit back to reflect I can't believe how many things changed in the past year! I moved out of my house in Greenville, started teaching first grade at a new school at the beach, got engaged to my best friend, bought our first house, and welcomed the SWEETEST chocolate lab into our home! I have to thank Him for all of the blessings that have come our way! Cheers to an AMAZING 2014 and hopefully an even better 2015. 

Here are the top 5 post of 2014 on this little ole' blog based on the number of page views. They just so happen to be my favorite as well! 

I hope you have a safe and happy New Years Eve! 


  1. Oh my goodness!! Started a new job, got engaged, bought a house and adopted a puppy all in one year... that's a lot for one year! I hope 2015 is just as great for you!

  2. such an exciting year! here's to 2015!


Sweet Thoughts(: