
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Christmas Cards

Can you believe Christmas is just 9 short days away?! I'm determined to make the most of these next few days. I love the whole spirit of the season- Christmas music, church services, holiday parties, wrapping presents, all the lights... should I keep going? I vote Christmas season should last at least two months.... whose with me?! I have always wanted to send out Christmas cards but didn't ever want to send one out with just me because let's be honest... who would want a picture of just me on their refrigerator? (other than maybe my parents) (; Now that Justin and I are engaged and we have a brown fur baby it felt right to finally be able to send out Christmas cards! 

I love how they turned out and love even more knowing my close family and friends know we are thinking of them this holiday season. Have a great day friends! (: 


  1. Super cute cards. Love the picture!

  2. Those cards are so cute! Henson is getting SO big!

    xoxo, SS

  3. Love love love it! How old is Henson now? He is adorable! I'm still kicking myself for not getting my act together and sending one out this year - especially because Brady is only going to be a tiny puppy for this one holiday season!


Sweet Thoughts(: