
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Weekend Recap: Blast from the past

This past weekend Justin and I traveled to Greenville NC, our old college town. After living there for so long it is always so much fun to go back and visit! Apart of Greenville will always feel like "home". It's even more special since that is where we met! A coworker from my old school and close friend was having a gender reveal party and my sister lives there so it was the perfect weekend to catch up with old friends, visit my sister and see how the town has grown! 

I really wanted to walk Henson around campus Saturday morning but it was rainy so that just didn't happen. Instead we were able to watch a Christmas parade in one of the new downtown restaurants. Saturday was also the gender reveal for Jessie and oh my word... SO sweet!! I loved every moment of celebrating with her. We all agreed that her pregnancy became so much more real once we could put a name to the baby. Oh, and it's a GIRL. I actually have ANOTHER friend who is expecting and had her gender reveal party on Sunday. Unfortunately we had to miss that one but I caught up on the action through lots of videos and pictures. Katie's also having a sweet little girl!(: 

Look at that little bump!! 

On Sunday we woke up bright and early to head to Chapel Hill. We had tickets to the ECU UNC basketball game at the Smith center. Justin has family in Chapel Hill so we went a little early grab lunch on Franklin Street and visit the Tar heel basketball museum. Those that know Justin know how BIG of Tar heel fan he is. His face lights up just walking in the Smith center. Pure joy and I love it! 


  1. Gotta love some Tarheel basketball (;

  2. Love this. I went to ECU for graduate school and miss it at times. I would love to go back and eat at Winslows with all my friends from graduate school.


Sweet Thoughts(: