
Monday, February 2, 2015

Guest Room #1 Reveal

Happy Monday friends! Did the weekend fly by for anyone else? It always seems to for me! I'm back from a 2 week blog break that I did not mean to take. Work got absolutely crazy and took up all of my extra time. Let's hope things have calmed down some! Justin and I moved into our house back in August and have been working ever since to get each room styled just how we want it. A little over 5 months later I can finally say we have one room in the house COMPLETE! Yes.. no other rooms are finished but that's okay! We will get there.. eventually. I really wanted to work hard to get one of our guest rooms finished so that we would have a place for overnight guest to stay. When Justin's cousin decided to stay over Christmas eve it was just the motivation I needed to get the room finished! When we moved in this room was baby blue and needed some paint. I painted it myself and then got busy with the rest of the decorations. Here is the final outcome:

of course Henson had to sneak in a picture or two.. 

I would still like to add some curtains to the windows but other than that it is complete. I love the way it turned out and love even more having a room for our friends and family to stay in! Hint hint, mom.. the room is ready, come visit! (:


  1. This room looks great, so cozy & inviting-everything you would want in a guest room!
    PS, Henson is getting so big, he's so adorable!

    xoxo, SS

    The Southern Stylista

  2. I love this room! We just moved and I am finally getting to the point of decorating and trying to figure out each room. It's fun, but I had no idea how difficult it would be to come up with a "theme" for each room. I hope my vision can turn out as good as yours did!!

  3. Looks great! I really love that bedside table!

  4. Love the simple design! The added blue accents really make the room.

  5. I have the same picture frames on my wall. Too funny. We used a similar color palette, but more beach inspired. We love the beach.


Sweet Thoughts(: