
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Life With Henson

Hello friends! We have a snow day here that really is more of a sleet and freezing rain day. No complaints from me though! We had a teacher workday yesterday which allowed me to catch up on everything school related so today I slept in, plan to clean the house, make stuffed peppers for dinner and maybe even finish watching Steel Magnolias that came on TV last night. It seems like all of North Carolina had snow days last week while we in the coastal part got nothing. I'm definitely going to enjoy every second of this unexpected day off! Moving on... 

I realized I haven't shared much about our newest family member with y'all. Henson, our sweet 7 month old chocolate lab. I did share some pictures when we first got him that you can see here and here. He has done a lot of growing since those pictures so it's only appropriate to document out little guys growth! Henson may be a puppy but to us he is our son. He has seriously brought so much joy into our lives. I may be biased but I think he is the sweetest four legged mini person in the world. 

we like to sing "we're the three best friends that anyone could have.." 

Henson is a professional seagull chaser and LOVES the beach

he even likes to play dress up!

his first snow

even Justin will admit he's a mama's boy (: 

..There was even the time he had an accident that went from the kitchen all the way to the living room door... Not his finest moment but we still love him(: 

he really loves the shower

Okay, I'll stop now. I promise I'm not a crazy dog lover! We just love our little Henson!


  1. We are godparents to a chocolate lab. When she comes to visit it is all I can do to keep her out of the pool! Love the cone of shame pic!

  2. that is one cute pup! I especially love that photo of him laying onthe beach- GREAT shot!

  3. Your dog is adorable! I live on the Outer Banks and we got plenty of snow today. My dog loved every minute of it. I posted about the snow and my black lab just today if you want to check it out (:

  4. He is SO adorable! I have a lab mix (just one of my four pups!) & he is an absolute lovable mess as well :)

    xoxo, SS

    The Southern Stylista


Sweet Thoughts(: