
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Weekend Recap and Bridal Shower Etiquette

Last weekend I attended one of my friends bridal shower. I will be the matron of honor in her wedding in October. I was just thrilled to celebrate Kristi and her upcoming wedding! The shower was just perfect. It took place in Cary at the host gorgeous home. There was tons of food, lots of presents for the bride to be, and even bloody mary's and mimosas to top it all off. That's my kind of shower! (; 

 The bride to be!

Kristi's bridesmaid's that were able to attend 

There were 7 of us at the shower that are currently engaged. SEVEN. Isn't that crazy?! There must be something in the water.

Maghan, Kristi and myself are all in each others weddings this year. We have a busy and fun year coming up! 

The host explaining one of the games we played

With so many friends getting married there always seems to be some type of shower going on. I wanted to share some of the tried and true etiquette tips for those of you that may be in the same boat! I am by no means an "expert" in bridal shower etiquette but I have learned a few things along the way that may be helpful. 

Number 1: Focus on the bride. While this may be a time that you see friends you haven't seen in a while and as fun as it as to catch up with them, it's important to remember the real reason you are there. To celebrate the bride to be! Refrain from talking about your personal life (your own engagement, upcoming shindig, etc). You don't want to take any attention off the bride. After the shower is the perfect time to grab dinner or drinks with the friends in town! Sidenote- I'm not saying don't talk to your friends! After all the bride will probably be busy speaking to lots of people. My point is to refrain from talking about big events going on in your life that would take lots of attention off the bride at her own shower. 

Number 2: The no white rule.  The bride may or may not decide to wear all white to her shower. Either way this tradition should be saved for her. The bride may have been waiting a LONG time for it to finally be her turn to be the one in all white. Let her have her moment! 

Number 3: The guest list. Showers are not a time to bring along a friend or spouse.. unless the invitation specifically says to. Normally a bridal shower is meant to be a small gathering of the closest family and friends. Respect the guest list! 

Number 4: The gift. While I normally would not hound too much on the importance of gifts at the risk of upsetting anyone, I do think it's important to remember the whole purpose of a bridal shower is to quite literally shower the bride with gifts. If you have a budget, by all means stick to it but don't forgo the gift if you are attending the shower. Hopefully the bride has a registry that has gifts at a variety of price points! 

On another note.. Justin and I are getting married in exactly 100 days!!! The countdown is on. It's starting to feel oh so real! Bridesmaid gifts have been ordered, wedding day accessories have come in and the search for the perfect table linens has began. Happy Wednesday friends! 


  1. That's crazy how many engaged girls were at the party! & yay for your 100 day countdown :)

  2. It looks like she had such a great shower! I fully agree with all of your rules, especially the all-white rule & the guest list rules! You'd be shocked at how many people don't abide by those!

    xoxo, SS

    The Southern Stylista

  3. Wedding showers are the best! How fun to be engaged at the same time as SEVEN of your girlfriends :) So exciting that you are less than 100 days out now!

  4. It seems to be a great shower dear and it is really nice that you shared it here. It reminds me of my wedding shower that happened to be at San Francisco venues. We all had so much fun and made some great memories.


Sweet Thoughts(: