
Friday, April 24, 2015

Five on Friday

Happy Friday friends!  I'm linking up today for Five on Friday with DARCICHRISTINALIZ, and NATASHA

Just a little Friday pinterest inspiration. No explanation needed!  

Last night Justin took me on a surprise date night. I had all of 45 minutes to get ready before he took me out to dinner and to a movie. He did tell me we were going to the movies but wouldn't tell me which one. He made me walk away when he purchased tickets and made me close my eyes walking into the theatre so that I wouldn't know which movie he had picked out until it started. I was THRILLED when I realized he had picked The Longest Ride which I had been wanting to see. The movie did not disappoint. It was such a SWEET love story. We both agreed that it is now one of our favorite movies. I suggest you go see it! 

In an attempt to still eat healthy but eat something other than grilled chicken and veggies (a meal I have been eating way too much in preparation for bikini/wedding season) I made pizza on whole wheat pita bread for dinner one night this week. It was super easy, fast and didn't put me over my calorie goal in My FItness Pal. Anyone else use that? I just used whole wheat pita bread, marinara sauce, shredded cheese and piled on the vegetables. So good and no guilt. 

We have mystery blooms all around our house right now. We moved in at the very end of August last year so we have been in our house through fall and winter. Not much was going on with the plants in our yard until recently. Spring has been a whole new story with different bushes  and flowers coming into bloom. When we moved in, the former owners left a pot at the front door. It had soil but no sprouts of any kind. It honestly looked like whatever had been planted in there was dead. Just for fun I started watering it, putting it in the sun and whatnot. I've been doing this since August with NO change whatsoever in the surely dead, mystery plant. About a month ago I noticed that low and behold there was a teeny tiny little green sprout peeking up through the dirt. In a months time that sprout has turned into this rather large stem. I still have no idea what it is going to be but I can't wait to find out! It's the little things, right? 

I'm excited to head to Cary tomorrow for one of my best friends bridal showers. This year I have my wedding in August, am a bridesmaid in a wedding in October and matron of honor in another wedding in October. That means three engagement parties, three bachelorette parties, three + bridal showers.. you get the picture. It's a little busy but I'm so happy I have best friends to share in the excitement with! Lots of excuses for pretty dresses and cake. (: Happy Friday!


  1. Mmmm that pita pizza look so good! I might have to try it, thanks for the idea and happy weekend! :)

  2. Mmmm that pita pizza look so good! I might have to try it, thanks for the idea and happy weekend! :)

  3. All the weddings coming up, that's so exciting! In May I have one of my childhood friends weddings to attend (May 9), then May 16th I'm in my very best friends wedding, then the next weekend is my bachelorette party, and then on May 30th I get married and leave the next day for a week in Savannah for my honeymoon :) I completely feel you on being busy!

    xoxo, SS

    The Southern Stylista

  4. Sounds like you have a busy lineup with weddings!!! My cousin is going through the same thing...just her list of events made ME tired!!! That is so sweet that he took you to The Longest Ride!
    Meg of An Affair of Character


Sweet Thoughts(: