
Thursday, April 23, 2015

Dining Room Update

A few months ago I posted about our new Farmhouse dining room table. You can read about that here. The dining room is one of my favorite rooms in the house. I love that my future father in law built our table, I love how bright the room is with the windows and I love that this room is almosttttt complete. It has been so so fun decorating our home since we moved in last summer. There are SO many more things I want to do but I am trying to pace myself since everything I love cost a small fortune and we have a wedding coming up! Not a bad problem to have in my opinion. (: Since I last posted about our dining room table we have made a few changes. We added plates to the wall, purchased two fabric chairs for the end of the table and Justin's dad built us the matching bench for our farm table. 

I would eventually like to change the curtains for some longer ones and add a corner hutch or some type of buffet. It's a tight space so I'm thinking a corner piece might work best. I would also like to add some type of picture to the left side of the windows, until we get a hutch. Side note: those gorgeous flowers on the table are from my sweet fiance! He surprised me last week when I had strep throat. 

This is to the side of our dining room. I love the colorful Easter egg wreath that I found for under $10 at CVS!! I know I should take it down now that Easter is over but it makes me happy!  

This is our front door to the other side of the dining room. These shelves have been a struggle. For real, I have no idea what to do with them. They were there when we moved in. The tall picture to the left probably will not stay there but we are keeping it on display until we decide the perfect spot for it. (It is one of our engagement pictures that Justin's mom had blown up on a canvas as a Christmas gift) 

I love to see the progress we are making in our home. I have a feeling the house will never really be "finished" as it is so fun to get new ideas and make small changes here and there. Does anyone else feel that way about their home? Happy Thursday friends! The weekend is ALMOST here! 


  1. I love your dining room, it looks so homey! I actually love your shelves by the door, they would be so fun to fill up with things, but at my house I would be worried my fiance' would slam the door and knock things off of them lol

    xoox, SS

    The Southern Stylista

  2. Love those chairs. I initially ordered 2 sets and went back for a 3rd :P They have the matching barstools if you ever decide you want to add them to your bar!

  3. Love the chairs! Where from?


Sweet Thoughts(: