
Friday, September 18, 2015

Five on Friday

Happy Friday friends!  I'm linking up today for Five on Friday with DARCICHRISTINALIZ, and NATASHA

I don't know about you but I am SO glad it's Friday!! This has seemed like the longest week! It has been full of lots of happiness though. I changed my blog header to Simple Cheer to reflect more of where my little blog is heading. I started my blog in college when I worked a desk job with lots of down time on ECU's campus. I started reading blogs and finally decided to create my own. It's been an amazing experience allowing me to meet lots of people my own age in similar places in their life. I've learned things from fellow blogger's and even met a few friends! A Sweet Simple Southern Life was fitting for those years. Now that I am married, working my career and life seems so much busier I have found myself slowing down to enjoy all of life's little burst of happiness all around. I feel as Simple Cheer is very fitting, as many of my day to day life ramblings are about the simple little things bringing happiness to my life! side note- I have no idea how to change my URL without loosing all of my followers. If you know how I would love your help!! Now, moving on to 5 on Friday... 

I am matron of honor in a friend's wedding in October. One of her gifts to her bridesmaids has been a three month subscription to Birchbox. It has been so fun to wait for the arrival of this pretty box filled with all sorts of goodies!! This box had a body mist called Harvey Prince, Hello that smells absolutely divine. I think I will be purchasing the full size when my current perfume runs out. 

Sorry for the poor picture quality.. this is a photo from the photo booth at the wedding we attended last week. How fun were these outfits?!

Speaking of life's little day to day joys I've definitely found my daily treat. I am slightly addicted to grapefruit La Croix and my new candle from Target. The La Croix has the bubbles and slight flavoring with no calories or artificial sweetener. It's also fun to sport the pretty can.... (; 

Okay teacher friends, how PERFECT is this coffee mug? I one hundred percent LOVE my job and all of my students. With that being said, there are still times 18-21 six year olds all wanting your attention at the same time will make you sing said song and pray for a cup of coffee! Ha, I'm thinking this would make the perfect Christmas gift for my work friends! 

Do you remember the I Love Lucy episode of her stomping around in the barrel of grapes?! This weekend the local Duplin winery is hosting their annual grape stomp. There will be beach music, grape stomping and wine. Hello- say no more. I'm in! Happy Friday friends!! 


  1. That was one of my favorite episodes!!! How fun that will be! Happy Friday! :)

  2. Aw man, I grew up near Duplin and always wanted to go to the winery. We moved to Raleigh 3 years ago and never went!! Hope you have a blast at the grape stomp!!

  3. So sweet of the bride to get birchbox for the bridesmaids! I love that! And that coffee mug is amazing! I'm not a teacher but I think I might need it! :)

  4. That mug is AMAZING!! I need it. I think everyone can relate. :)


Sweet Thoughts(: