
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Fall is in the air

We had such a good time this past weekend!! Justin and I had a wedding to attend for one of his friends that happend to take place in my hometown. It was the perfect reason to get out of town and visit my parents. I told Justin that there is something so refreshing about coming back home. It just feels like life is a little bit simpler those few days. We had a blast at the wedding but didn't get any pictures other than some fun photo booth print outs. Sunday was the perfect day- when we woke up it was only in the upper 50's. It felt like Fall had arrived overnight. It warmed up by the time church let out- just in time for Sunday dinner with my family outside. My mom has surely set the standards high for being able to set a dinner table. Everything was just so perfect! Don't you wish you could hang on to those little moments?!

Even Henson joined in on the fun (: 

I've been itching for Fall to get here for a few weeks now. I know I should enjoy the last few days of summer but seeing all of the new fall apparel out in stores, PSL's already being advertised and school being back in session it makes me ready for some crisp Fall air. The nice weather we had this weekend visiting my parents really set the tone. It's still highs in the 80's around here so I can't quite participate in all things Fall yet, but as soon as I can here are some things on the agenda. 

Lots of fun fall beverages. Bring on the pumpkin spice lattes, apple sangria and fall inspired beers. I am READY for you!! 

I have some new pretties to sport this Fall as well as some old favorites that I can't wait to pull out. It's so hard to walk into a store and see nothing but sweaters, corduroys and boots but know that it's not cold enough to wear them yet. 

I am wanting to make a weekend getaway to the mountains BAD. I would love to make a trip to Chateau Morrisette winery in Virginia just in time to see the leaves turning. With two October weddings and several football games already on the calendar I don't know if this will happen but fingers crossed!! It's at the top of my priority list! Bonus points- they welcome dogs here, especially Labs so Henson can join in on the fun! 

Fall decor. I'm ready to plant some new flowers, dress up the table and pick out a pumpkin or two. There is no shortage of ideas on Pinterest. Now I just need a free weekend where I can get busy! What are some things you are looking forward to this fall?!


  1. Ahhh girl, I am so ready for fall! It does stink when the weather just won't cooperate with the season though!

  2. Your post has me so excited for fall! I'm hoping I can talk my husband into a little mountain getaway, maybe over Thanksgiving break!

    xoxo, SS

    The Southern Stylista

  3. We just decorated our place for fall last night and I am loving all of our fall decor so far! So ready for come cooler weather.


Sweet Thoughts(: