
Monday, September 7, 2015

Our Wedding Part 1: Bridal Portraits

Hi there! Long time no see.. where did the time go?! During my break from blog land I: GOT MARRIED, finished planning said wedding, traveled to the Dominican on my honeymoon, went to countless wedding showers for friends and started my fourth year of teaching first grade. It's been busy but oh so happy over here my friends. Lot's of people have asked if Justin and I feel different since we are married and the answer is most definitely, yes! We seem happier overall now that it's official, and the stress of wedding planning is over. Today I'm sharing part one of the wedding, bridal portraits! 

I took my bridal portraits in June at the City Club which is located downtown Wilmington, NC. It was SO hot that day but what else would you expect in the south in June?! Lucky for us it started to cool off a little bit into the session. I'm so thrilled with all of our photographs, I can't thank my amazing photographer, Amber Rhodes enough! Her website is under construction right now but I will link to it as soon as it's up! 

Sorry for the picture overload. I'm just so happy with how they turned out! I'll be back soon with rehearsal dinner, ceremony and reception post. Happy Labor day friends! I hope it's filled with lots of rest and fun! 


  1. you're pictures are amazing and I love those bow shoes (:

  2. These pictures are so, so good! I love your dress and shoes!! I just found your blog and I love it! Can't wait to get to know you through your blog better. And to see more wedding recaps! I got married this summer, too, and love doing our wedding recaps. So exciting going through all of our pictures and reliving our day all over again. :)

  3. I like the one of you sitting on the white steps. I love that it shows off everything, like your ring and shoes. So pretty! They turned out great.

    Kaitlyn @

  4. Beautiful, beautiful portraits! I have to say the first one is my shows your sweet, fun personality!


Sweet Thoughts(: