
Friday, October 9, 2015

Five on Friday!

Happy Friday friends!  I'm linking up today for Five on Friday with DARCICHRISTINALIZ, and NATASHA

Fri-YAY!! As my students like to call it. This particular Friday I am extra excited because I am on the way to see one of my best friends get married!! I am a bridesmaid which means I have lots of fun events this weekend: her bridesmaid brunch, rehearsal dinner, wedding, AND a bridesmaid brunch for another friend on Sunday. I am in two weddings in the month of October. Busy but so exciting month for me! Let's get down to business shall we.. 

Let's talk shampoo. I am a Tresemme girl. It's not expensive, my hair responds well to it. I've never had a problem with it so I keep using it to save money here and there. With that being said sometimes I like to switch it up and treat myself to something different that cost a little more. I was browsing in Ulta and decided to purchase a bottle of Rusk which I had never used before but wanted to try out. I paid the $19 it cost and went on my way. I headed straight to TJ Maxx which happens to be next door to our Ulta to look around. While I was there I decided to look at there hair products (which normally I bypass as I beeline to the home section) I kid you not, in the home section was the EXACT same bottle of shampoo I had just purchased for half the price. $9.. that's it. UH! Oh well, now I know. What kind of shampoo do you swear by?

No judgements aloud here. I may or may not have already picked out and ordered our Christmas card for this year. I've even already received notification that it has shipped. You better believe I will be waiting by the mailbox every day until it arrives!! I know Christmas will be here before you know it and I can't wait!! I just love all of the buildup! 

As a result of the rain we had last weekend we were dismissed from school early Friday, stuck at home all weekend and out of school Monday and Tuesday. That left LOTS of free time for me. I got work related things done, watched my fair share of Grey's Anatomy on Netflix and had time to do some deep cleaning. I discovered the way to make cleaning baseboards fun. Seriously, don't believe me? Try it! Poor a preferably large glass of wine, (Apothic Red being my choice) blast your pandora loud and get to cleaning and sipping. You will be done in no time! (: Your welcome. 

I can't believe my friend Maghan is getting married!! I truly could not be happier for her. I met Maghan my freshman year at ECU and fell in love immediately. She is a true southern belle that you can't help but love. She was also my "big" in ZTA and became a lifelong friend. Her and Charlie are a match made in Heaven. I can't wait to celebrate with them!! 


Is this the year of booties or am I just late to the game? I've always preferred taller boots like my riding boots and cowboy boots but this year I am crushing hard on these adorable booties!! 

1 comment:

  1. I already picked out our Christmas cards, too! Seriously I can't wait to send them out! My best friend got married last weekend and my brother-in-law is getting married next weekend, so October is wedding month for us, too!! Have a great weekend!! :)


Sweet Thoughts(: