
Monday, December 21, 2015

Christmas cards and festivities

One of these days I am going to get back to blogging regularly. With work slowing down a [tiny] bit maybe today will be the day! 

I have a confession to make... I may be the crazy girl that had our Christmas card picked out and ordered about two months ago. I just LOVE all that Christmas brings and can't wait to get things started. Our cards sat addressed and ready to go for over a month just waiting for the day after Thanksgiving to mail them. I LOVE the way this year's card turned out.. with wedding pictures it was such an easy process! 

This weekend Justin and I traveled to Reidsville to kick off my Christmas break with my family and to see some hometown friends. The weekend flew by with several holiday parties and spending time with friends. The food has been heavy and the wine has been flowing. My diet has to start NOW. Not a bad problem to have though right?!

A few weekends ago we hosted a Tacky Sweater party that never made it to the blog. So here ya go! ..the infamous tacky sweater party that is always way too much fun. 


  1. LOVE y'all's Christmas card! It was so fun and special sending out our first Christmas card this year. Of course we used one of our wedding pictures, too! Hope y'all had a great first married Christmas!! :)


Sweet Thoughts(: