
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Meet and Greet

It's been awhile since I've done an introduction of myself and since I am getting back into blogging more regularly I figure now is the perfect time to do an intro of the girl behind the blog. I always love catching a glimpse into others lives! So here we go..

The Basics
Hi, I'm Amanda. :) I am 25 and newly married to the best man ever. We have a one year old chocolate lab named Henson who we treat like our child. I am a first grade teacher and LOVE my job. I now live in coastal North Carolina and absolutely love being just 5 minutes from the beach!!  I grew up near Greensboro and then attended East Carolina University. I stayed in Greenville for another two years after college, teaching and loved every minute of living there. I moved to be closer to Justin and have never looked back! 

The fun details:
- My favorite nights are nights spent at home with Justin eating grilled cheese and watching TV
- I have a newfound love of shiraz and am not above the two buck chuck Trader Joe's kind
- I could sit on the beach for days but I could also stay inside and binge watch Greys Anatomy for days 
- Mornings are my favorite.
- Speaking of mornings, Breakfast.. I don't skip it. Eggs, toast and coffee.. every morning like clock work 
- Justin proposed to me in the middle of a hurricane. No joke! Read here
- I love cooking and I even don't mind cleaning most of the time
- I have an amazing group of friends that sadly all live in other towns. That means lots of weekend trips to see each other! 
- Henson is our world, he is completely spoiled but we would have it no other way


  1. Love this!! My favorite posts are getting to know other bloggers better. Yalls dog... Omg I die!! Looks like our dog in the face. Where did you teach in Greenville?!

  2. These are my favorite kind of posts, too! So, so jealous that y'all live so close to the beach!! The closest beach to us is about 7 hours sad! Mornings are my favorite time of the day! Especially when I don't have any plans and can just take my time. Great post! :)

  3. Our pup is the exact same way :) They really are like our children! So glad you're back to blogging again!

  4. So many similarities here! Being newly married is the best, as is having a pup that’s treated like a baby! Most of our best friends live out of town too (we sure to love those weekend trips away thought!) but grilled cheese date nights are one of my most favorites!

  5. I just love these kind of posts! I especially love the pictures of precious Henson :)

    xoxo, SS

    The Southern Stylista

  6. Love this post! It's always great to get to know bloggers better.


Sweet Thoughts(: