
Monday, October 5, 2015

The Weekend of Rain

Oh the rain, this weekend it has rained nonstop. I'll start by saying I am lifting up the parts of South Carolina that were hit the hardest in prayer. There are roads and bridges that have collapsed, dams that have broken, peoples homes are being flooded and evacuated. It is truly just devastating. The reporters say this is once in 1,000 year kind of rain. -kinda scary! Our house is right on the NC, SC border line. We have been hit hard but thankfully nothing like Columbia or Charleston. School dismissed early on Friday and is completely closed today which means we have been house bound all weekend. A weekend of nothing rarely happens for us so it was kind of nice to have no where to go! (except one emergency grocery store run) 

By Sunday of being stuck in the house Justin and I started to go a little stir crazy. The kind that even Netflix couldn't cure. Henson decided to brace the rain and flooding with his doggy life jacket and doggles. We like to think he wants to go save some other pups out there!

This creek is in our back yard. It is normally ONLY two feet wide and you have to go down a large hill to get to it. Most of the time it is so dried up there isn't even any water in it. By Sunday there was no longer a drop down to get to the creek and the water rose all the way up to our backyard. I noticed this morning that is has started to spill over and flood part of our yard. 

I had plenty of free time in the kitchen so I made homemade bacon, egg and cheese sandwiches on an english muffin (which may be my new favorite breakfast) and taco soup with cornbread. So easy and delicious. I'll share the recipe this week.

The weekend of rain left our household eating lots of food, catching up on Netflix, possibly YouTube-ing the latest dance moves (nae nae, quan, oh my), and deep cleaning baseboards. Seriously, too much time on our hands!! Stay safe and dry!


  1. Henson looks too cute in his rain gear! And I hope the creek behind your house doesn't rise anymore!!

    How 2 Wear It []

  2. OMG girl! That rain you guys have been getting is so crazy. Glad to hear you were safe and hopefully that creek doesn't get any higher. Your pup is so cute in his rain gear! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  3. Can't believe all the rain y'all have been getting but glad y'all are making it! Weekends in are some of the best, I love being able to get a lot done, and that taco soup looks amazing!!


Sweet Thoughts(: