
Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Favorite Things

Lately there have been some things that I am just loving. It's funny how sometimes something as small as new soap can bring that extra bit of joy to your day. Maybe it's the spring or maybe (probably) I am late to the game finding out about these gems. Either way I have a little extra pep in my step this week because of each of these things! Here are my top 6 things I'm loving these days:

1. Piko dress- Since when did Piko start making dresses? I'm telling you I am probably way late to the game on this one. Talk about the easiest and most comfortable dress. It is my new go to outfit for sure. Pair this with the tusk necklace and you're good to go! 

2. The Husbands Secret- This is what I'm reading currently. If you are looking for a good beach read I recommend picking this book up! It's one of those that you can't put down.  Side note- since I just finished this book now I'm looking for another good read, any suggestions? Thinking about The Nest?

3. Meyers Soap- speaks for itself. It smells AMAZING, is affordable and brings happiness to my daily hand washing! I bought one bottle and had to go back to get more for each sink in our house. 

4. Labrador Tank top- "My Labrador Retriever is all I really care about ....any like maybe 3 people .... and wine." OMG yall- yes yes yes. I found this gem on Etsy and knew I just had to have it! Linking this one here.

5. Fun Necklaces- There have been so many fun necklaces coming out recently! I am loving the beads, tassels and tusk/horn trends I've been seeing. I don't normally buy a lot of fashion jewelry but I have gotten a new necklace or two. It's fun to spice up an otherwise plain outfit! 

6. Candle- I just found this new candle at TJ Maxx and it smells DIVINE. It's Serenity: Orchard and Jasmine. 


  1. I love the new fun necklaces that are popping up. I have two and wear them all the time!!

  2. I loved The Husband's Secret! If you haven't read Big Little Lies by the same author yet, you should!


Sweet Thoughts(: