
Friday, May 6, 2016

Five on Friday

Happy Friday! The end of the school year is approaching, testing is in full swing in first grade and this teacher is mentally exhausted. I have never been so happy to see a Friday. The fact I have my mom and sister coming to town tonight makes me all the more excited for the weekend! 

One. remember when I announced my sisters engagement on Monday? Well she is waisting no time getting the wedding planning started. This weekend we are going wedding dress shopping! I have no idea what type of dress my sister will choose. I can't wait to see her try on all different styles! We are combining a fun mothers day out in Wilmington and wedding dress shopping for Ginny. I can't wait to get our weekend started! Hurry up 4:00!

Two. I finally got around to getting Henson's collar personalized and LOVE how it turned out! He always ends up loosing or scratching his name tag beyond readability (the kind that dangles). I am so excited to not have to worry about loosing the tag anymore because now his name and our contact information is right on the collar! It's the little things right?

Three. It is mothers day weekend and this year I have two mothers to celebrate! These are two of the sweetest, most caring and giving people I know. My mom and mother in law are both worth celebrating today and everyday. Happy Mother's Day to these two! 

Four. I have been real into podcast these days. I love to listen when I'm getting ready in the mornings and driving. The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey is my go to as well as Newspring Church's (which if you are looking for sermons to listen to these are AMAZING!) I would like to find some new podcast to listen to though! Any other podcasters out there that have a suggestion?!

Five. There is no five this week- remember the exhausted part up top?! Have a great weekend friends!! 


  1. Have so much fun wedding dress shopping for your sister! I had no idea what I wanted when I went... I just knew what I didn't want. & then I got exactly what I didn't want. Such a fun process ;)

  2. Have fun shopping with our family! That collar is such great idea!

  3. Have SOO much fun dress shopping for your sister!! That's going to be a blast!! Great idea getting the collar personalized!


Sweet Thoughts(: