
Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Weekending & Mothers Day

This past weekend was SUCH a good time. So much so that my mom stayed an extra night and I didn't have to say bye to her until 7 pm yesterday! We started off on Friday after work celebrating Cinco De Mayo a day late. My sister got into town right about dinner time. We had some celebratory drinks and chicken tacos that turned out so good. I always cook my chicken for tacos in the crock pot. It's so easy and smelled so good by the time I got home from work! My mom didn't get into town until late Friday night so dinner was just the hubs and my sister. 

On Saturday we all enjoyed a slow breakfast. I made my favorite buttermilk blueberry breakfast cake. I can't take credit for the recipe but I can express how delicious it is! There was plenty of food and coffee to go around until it was time to get ready and head out wedding dress shopping for my sister!! We started off at a bridal shop in Wilmington where Ginny found two dresses she liked but not enough to buy one right then. We took a break from dress shopping and had a mothers day lunch at The Pilot House on the Wilmington Waterfront. That is one of our favorite places to eat because you can sit outside overlooking the water. My mom and I had the shrimp and scallop scampi with a glass of white wine- oh my word. I can still taste it.. it was amazing. After another pit stop by World Market to get the most adorable flamingo dish towel we made our second stop to continue looking for a dress. After trying on just a few Ginny found HER DRESS! Y'all... I wish I could share a picture. It is absolutely stunning. She is going to be the most beautiful bride!! After the best day out shopping the fun continued at our house having dinner with my family and Justin's family. I made the comment that I was just so thankful we had our table filled to the max with family and good food. There is truly nothing better than that! All weekend long I was reminded  how fortunate and blessed I am to have such an amazing family (both sides!) and husband! Life is good.

On Sunday the fun continued with Mothers Day celebrations! We had another slow morning with banana bread and coffee. side note- I messed up the banana bread.. how is that possible? I need a new recipe!  Then, we headed to lunch at a local seafood restaurant in Calabash with Justin's whole side of the family. Everyone handed out mothers day gifts and chatted. After lunch, we all went to see my moms new house on the intracoastal waterway. She just closed on it- just in time for the summer! I cannot wait to make new memories in that house!!

Justin with his mom and brother

Mom's new house- can you spot Justin's mom and dad?


  1. Your sister found her dress super quick! I bet she's glad to have that one checked off of her wedding to do list :) Your mom has a great view from her new house... it'll be even better during the summer months, I'm sure!

  2. What a fantastic weekend!! I'm so excited your sister found a dress and I can't wait to see it - she'll be a beautiful bride :)

  3. Wow, so fantastic that she found her dress! I can't wait to see it!


Sweet Thoughts(: