
Friday, December 29, 2017

Christmas Recap

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! We certainly had a wonderful Christmas filled celebrating the birth of our Savior, spending time with family and friends, entertaining and rest. We had company for half of my Christmas break and then the other half has been spent recovering from a terrible sinus infection. I'm thankful for the time off work to be able to rest! Now that Christmas has come and passed we don't have any more guest planning on coming to town anytime soon so we are officially beginning to transition one of our guest rooms to a nursery. I am SO excited to get things started! I spent a full day cleaning out that room and figuring out where to store things. This weekend Justin and his parents are going to paint the room a blush pink color. After that it will be time to have the carpets cleaned and set up our crib that has been sitting in our garage patiently waiting to be set up! 

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and hope that you all have a Happy New Year! We will be having a semi low key New Years spent with some friends cooking prime rib and playing games. Oh how times have changed! 

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Back with Big News!

I know, I know.. worst blogger EVER. I haven't blogged in almost nine months... whoops! I'll not bore you with all of the life is just so busy excuses and instead just jump right back in. As I reflect back on the past few months and what is to come this year I can't help but to be a little sad that I don't have our day in and day out life documented over the past few months. I started my blog when I was in college back in 2011 and love being able to look back to reminisce on those years and what I was interested in back then. How things have changed!! I plan to start blogging again so I don't miss out on documenting any more of our day to day adventures. 

So without further ado.. We have big news! 

Our family is growing by two little feet!  I cannot put into words how excited Justin and I are for this blessing! I know our baby girl is a gift from God and we could not be happier! I found out back in August and we have since then decided on a name..

Anna Claire Cutrell 

I am due May 1st which puts me currently at 22 weeks and in my second trimester. We have had a smooth and healthy pregnancy so far and I pray that it stays that way! Our hearts are overflowing with joy for our little gift to come!