
Friday, January 19, 2018

5 on Friday

Happy Friday friends! I'm linking up today for Five on Friday 

One. I am SO excited for this weekend because one of my best friends is getting married! I can't wait to celebrate this sweet couple all weekend long! When we went to Mexico last spring this couple got engaged on our trip so Justin and I truly feel like we have been there every step of the way. Happy wedding weekend Mary Elizabeth and Derek! 

Two. Every now and then I look in my pantry and freezer and realize I have a ton of food that is not being used. You know how you make a new recipe and pick up a whole ___ then have most of it leftover just sitting there? Occasionally when I realize this is starting to happen Justin and I will make a little game out of how long can we go without going to the grocery store to use up some of it before it goes bad. It forces us to be creative and prevents waisting food. We have been doing that all week long and it feels SO GOOD to see our pantry start to clear out. When it is overflowing I feel disorganized! We have had lots of salmon and frozen veggies, rice, grits, and black bean quesadillas. 

Three. I am a huge Podcast and Audio book fan. I love having something to listen to while I get ready for work/clean/drive/walk, etc. I just downloaded four new books to listen to per recommendations from North Carolina Charm and Going the Distance. I'm so eager to dig in right now! I'm starting with My Husbands Wife but on the list I also have The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry, Lilac Girls , and Before We Were Yours

Four. I've enjoyed seeing all of the snow NC has been getting this year but I have to admit I'm slightly sad because we have received NONE. I live in Coastal NC so therefore beach=rarely snows. We have received ice and flurries so we've had some delays and school closures this year so I'm not complaining but I would love one big fluffy white snow! I'm actually just ready for it to be spring but if it's going to be cold I want the snow! I grew up outside of Greensboro, NC and we used to get snow all the time so it's definitely a change for me living here! 

Five. I have a countdown app on my phone that I check almost daily. With so many fun things coming up I love seeing the days get closer and closer. Some of my favorites right now are: only 59 days until spring.. yay!,  only 17 days until I'm in my third trimester..crazy, and only 101 days until my due date. I can't wait for Sunday when there will only be 99 days left and I can say I am in the two digits. (: Does anyone else like counting down special events?

I hope everyone has a great weekend! 


  1. I'm a total podcast/audiobook junkie, too! I actually just finished The Marriage Lie and have been looking for another. Just downloaded My Husband's Wife :) I do the same thing at our house - wasting food is one of my biggest pet peeves! Have a good weekend, girl!

  2. That countdown app would get me excited. I hope you have the best time celebrating your friend this weekend! Happy Friday! Sierra~Beautifully Candid

  3. I'm with you on the snow - it's snowed a lot where I live, but not where I work, therefore... no snow days yet this year! Only brutally cold temps. So ready for spring!


  4. Hi There! I am a new reader and I too am suffering from a snow-deficit as living on the coast (Cumbria in England). We are such a Christmas mad family I am almost embarrassed to say we have started out Christmas 2018 countdown! I love any excuse for a celebration as well - Pancake Day, Valentines, Mother's Day is here on 11th March and my birthday the day after - I get excited about just about all of them! Europafox x


Sweet Thoughts(: