
Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Coffee Talk Confessionals

If we were chatting today over coffee these are the things I'd chat about/confess ..

-Since this is coffee talk I have to admit I am struggling on limiting my daily caffeine intake for the baby. In the first half of my pregnancy I completely lost the taste for coffee so it wasn't an issue but now I am back to my normal and love enjoying my hot cup of coffee in the mornings. I'm still drinking one cup but I realllyyyyy wish I could indulge a little more worry free. Decaf just isn't the same!

-There is no shame in my game that I am addicted to The Bachelor, and a fair amount of Bravo shows. My hubby picks on me all the time that my brain is going to turn into mush watching but that's okay with me.. Anyone else excited about Summer House season 2 starting back up?! 

- I have seriously loved every second of being pregnant! But.... I'm not going to lie, gaining weight and all the changes happening to my body sometimes bring mixed emotions. ..just keeping it real! We live in a world where there is a desire to have the "perfect" body. I'm trying to remind myself that this is the season of life I'm in and not let negative thoughts creep in! 

-I love browsing blogs and Instagram and seeing new things people are wearing and what is on sale at different places, but right now I'm having to take a little break and skip those post. After coming off of Christmas where it seemed like all we did was spend, spend, spend and then jumping right back into the idea of spending more on new clothes I'm having to take a step back and realize what is important. I don't need to shop and constantly have something new to show off or make myself feel good. So I'm purposefully trying to take a break from shopping and just be content with all that I already have. Now when spring rolls around I will be singing a different tune!!

-I'm trying to be intentional about reading my bible. I'm making an effort to wake up a little early every morning in time to sit at my dining room table and do my devotional. The house is still quiet, I pour my (one cup) of coffee, turn on Lauren Daigle Pandora, and spend that time with the Lord. It is honestly my favorite part of the day! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm trying so hard to take a break from shopping, too! I decided January would be a no-spend month for me, and so far I haven't bought any clothes or jewelry for myself. It's challenging, but necessary! I try to remind myself that those things only bring temporary happiness when I buy them.



Sweet Thoughts(: