
Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Mexico Trip

Ohhh Mexico, how I miss you and your sunshine, bottomless drinks, french onion soup and beautiful views. As I sit bundled up in a robe in chilly February sniffling from a cold I can't help but reminisce on such a perfect trip! When I shared about our friends wedding we attended here, I mentioned that they were the same couple that got engaged on our trip to Mexico back in the spring. Then I realized.... wait, I never posted about our Mexico trip! It was SUCH a fun trip with our friends. I don't want to miss out on documenting it. So... back in the spring we took a trip to Puerto Morelos, Mexico  with four of our closest friends.  Justin and I knew we wanted one last trip before babies and both knew how much more fun it would be to have friends with us. We were right because we had BLAST! 

I'm a huge fan of all inclusive resorts because everything is just so easy. Upon arrival we were treated with a glass of champagne and couldn't wait to check out the views even before we went to our rooms. We spent pretty much every day having breakfast on our porch and then hitting up the pool or the beach. 

This was the spa and also the view from our room

The views everywhere were seriously amazing! When I go on a vacation like this I really like to just relax and don't need to do a ton of excursions or things to fill my day. I thought this trip was the perfect place to just sit by the pool/beach and read and relax. 

I mentioned that one of our friends got engaged on our trip. This was by far the most fun night of the whole week! We made plans to head down to this pier that overlooked the ocean before dinner for pictures. We all knew (other than Mary Elizabeth) what was about to go down. We took pictures like normal and took some "couple" pictures which was the perfect time for Derek to get down on one knee and get it all on camera! Afterwards when we were walking back up to dinner we ran into a casino night set up. Dinner had a pretty long wait so we decided to play and it ended up being SO.MUCH.FUN. They had a whole casino night set up playing with fake money. Whoever at the end of the night earned the most "money" got a prize. We all played really well and then decided to put our money together to have a better chance of winning..... which we did! The winner won an authentic Mexican sombrero. Our group is currently sharing the sombrero which we pass around at game nights. It's seriously so much fun! By the end we were on cloud nine from the engagement and winning the sombrero. We enjoyed a late dinner at the steak house and celebrated the newly engaged couple! Like I said... it was my favorite night of the trip! 

This picture was too funny not to share. We attempted paddle boarding without much luck. The water was really rough where we were trying and we are inexperienced. Neither one of us could stay up and I actually ended up falling off towards the end and spraining my ankle to the point where I couldn't walk. Thankfully it was the last day of our trip so I only had to hobble around bandaged up for a little bit. 

It was such a fun trip! We are already planning another trip with the same group possibly to the same resort. I apologize for the photo dump- I just couldn't narrow it down! 


  1. What a fun couples trip! I love all inclusive resorts as well! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. How much fun!! Now you've got me wanting to go on a trip like that ASAP!

  3. Oh my gosh that looks sooooooo amazing!! Such beautiful skies and views!

  4. Looks like you had such a blast! What a beautiful place to pop the question!!



Sweet Thoughts(: