
Thursday, February 15, 2018

Pregnancy Update Weeks 27-29

How far along?
29 weeks..  third trimester! 

Size of baby?
2 1/2 pounds and 15-16 inches long

Lots of movement throughout the day and especially at night after I eat dinner. I like to close my eyes and imagine what she is doing when I feel her kick. It just melts my heart.. I'm so in love already! 

Increased heart rate, pressure under my rib cage and a growing belly!
Also, at my 28 week appointment my doctor picked up on a heart murmur.. I've never been told that before so it was quite the surprise! She referred me to a cardiologist who I visited yesterday. I think it is just a harmless thing that should be fine but I'll be having an echo cardiogram done just to make sure. 

Decent.. I toss and turn a lot but otherwise have been sleeping pretty good. Every now and then I have a night where I'm wide awake at 3 am for a solid hour or two before I can fall bask asleep. My snoogle body pillow has made a world of difference! 

all girl! 

Weight gain?
22 pounds .. ahh I just try not to think about it!

My goal is to walk for 30 minutes a day. I don't hit that every single day because of cold weather or being busy but I try to most days. I'm also wearing my fitbit and being consience of getting my steps in.

give me all the cereal.. I think I could eat it for every meal and be happy 

Maternity clothes?
Maternity pants or leggings are a necessity. Some non maternity tops still work but I have several very basic maternity tops that I keep paring with cardigans and calling it a day!

So sweet and supportive

We've been at a standstill the last few weeks but are finally making some progress. We have someone coming out to measure the nursery tomorrow and then we will set up a day for them to replace the carpet with laminate. After that I will go ahead and order a rug! Last weekend while Justin and I were out of town my mom played cupid and set up a trail of rose petals and hearts to the nursery along with several others surprises. It was too cute and hilarious to come home to!

Best part of the week?
Even though we agreed on NO gifts for Valentines Day Justin did not listen and surprised me with a gift card for a prenatal massage and some candy. I am SO excited and have already called to set up an appointment in about two weeks! Now it seems like a while back but I don't think I ever mentioned that I passed my glucose test! That was a huge relief!

Looking forward to?
Excited for the weekend and to have the new nursery floors down. Also excited to hit the 30 week mark in a few days!!


  1. Happy 3rd Trimester!! How exciting and so sweet Justin surprised you with a prenatal massage! Glad you passed your glucose test and your heart is ok!

  2. How sweet of him to surprise you with a massage! Sounds like it's the perfect time to unwind and rest easy now knowing you passed your tests.

  3. Awww! Nice to read and see everything is going so well! You look fabulous! The pic of your chocolate lab snuggled up to your baby bump is beyond adorable. Keep us all updated! Europafox x


Sweet Thoughts(: