
Monday, February 19, 2018


I was so excited come Friday afternoon for the weekend. We started the weekend with 70 degree weather on Friday.. in February. It doesn't get better than that! It looks like this entire week is going to be similar and I am just thrilled about it.

Friday night we went to Mellow Mushroom with some friends and then ended up in bed early exhausted from the week. Saturday morning we were up bright and early to pack and hit the road. Saturday was my sisters birthday and had plotted with her husband to surprise her and come visit. She lives in Greenville, NC which is also our college town so it's always fun to go back and see how it has changed! My mom came down also so it was such a fun surprise for her! We got to her house about 5 minutes before she came home from running errands and threw up some quick decorations. We were waiting to shout Happy Birthday when she walked in the door.

That night we went out to dinner at a new pizza place and then headed to a local Brewery where there were some of her friends waiting with a whole table set up for her birthday. Even though I couldn't try any of the drinks it was so much fun to hang out and celebrate Ginny! This brewery is set up where you can play all sorts of games and just relax. It's a really fun spot!

On Saturday morning Ginny made us breakfast and we visited her church. After church and lunch Justin and I decided to take advantage of the nice weather and walk around ECU campus. A lot has changed but so much is also exactly the same. We met in college so it was so fun to reminisce!

By the time we got home Sunday night I was exhausted and crashed in bed by 9:30. That seems to be the norm these days! The only downfall to the weekend was that we did receive some very sad news about Justin's grandmothers health. Prayers for her would be appreciated! 

I hope you all had a nice weekend and are ready for Monday! I'm already ready for next weekend. (; 


  1. What a fun weekend celebrating your sister!! Sorry to hear about Justin's grandmother - will be praying!

  2. Really amazing day! Congratulations for the post and the pretty blog!

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  3. How fun! It's always exciting to pull off a surprise party. Prayers and positive thoughts to Justin's grandmother and your family!



Sweet Thoughts(: