
Friday, June 1, 2018

5 on Friday

One.  I know I have already shared a few pictures but I just have to document Anna Claire's visit to the beach last weekend. She is so precious in her little bonnet! She slept through the entire trip and has no clue she even touched the sand for the first time. I also wanted to share one of my favorite baby products for the summer- the Fisher Price On the Go Baby Dome. It is perfect to take little miss out on the beach because it has a canopy that completely covers her offering protection from the sun. It also has mesh sides that lets the breeze in. It folds up so I can carry it easily. I plop her down in their and set up my battery powered fan to blow on her and she does great! 

in the baby dome

Two. After tons of research on baby video monitors I finally settled on the Infant Optics Video Baby Monitor DXR-8 and I really did like it. It worked well and had all the important features but for the hefty price tag I just didn't know if it was worth it. We used it for about a week before deciding to return it and instead purchase a Nest. So far I  like it better because I can pull it up on my phone and don't have to worry about carrying around a separate monitor screen and keeping it charged. I also love that we can watch it live so we could move it to the living room and watch our lab decide if he is going to be a perfect angel that day or if he's going to chew up anything in sight. We just hooked it up so I haven't really had a chance to see if it will work well as a baby  monitor so I'll update you once we've used it for a bit! Do any of you use the Nest as a baby monitor?

Three. One of the perks of where we live (coastal NC on the SC border) is in the summer time all of the local beaches around here offer free beach music concerts almost every weeknight. Each beach picks a different night and they have live music that night each week from Memorial day to Labor day. Tonight Trey Calloway, a country singer, is performing so we plan to pack a cooler and head out to listen. It's the perfect free entertainment! 

Four. This week Justin and I went on our first date night since Anna Claire was born. It was much needed. Even though she tagged along we enjoyed every second! I'm hoping we can at least squeeze in one date night a month! 

Five. Can I just vent for a second how annoying dealing with someone elses insurance has been? My wreck as a week ago and their insurance still has not processed our claim which means I have not been able to get a rental car.. which means I've been stuck at home with out a car to drive for a week. It is so annoying! Okay vent over. Maybe they will call me today. Have a great weekend everyone! 

1 comment:

Sweet Thoughts(: