
Monday, June 4, 2018


I hope you all had a fabulous weekend! The sun was out and the weather was nice which made for a perfect beach weekend! On Friday little miss and I stayed in most of the day cleaning and reading. We have been following the moms on call schedule and she does so well on it! Friday afternoon we met some friends at the Ocean Isle Beach concert to listen to some music and grab dinner.

On Saturday Justin played golf so I headed to my moms house and took advantage of free babysitting to lay out on her dock for a bit! Right now Anna Claire eats every 2-3 hours and I am still exclusively breastfeeding so I can't be away very long. It's nice to be able to lay on the dock and know she is just a few steps away if she needs me! That night we went out for dinner to celebrate Justin's cousin and uncle's birthday. Once again the weather was perfect and the view was gorgeous. My sister and brother in law have been traveling and they got to our house about 10pm to stay a few days. 

Anna Claire's bodyguards 

Sunday we had good intentions of making it to church, again, but it just didn't happen. Hopefully soon!! Instead we all packed up and headed to moms house again for lunch and for a beach day! Justin was sweet enough to stay back at the house and watch AC so the girls could sneak away to the beach for about 2 hours. By the end of the weekend I was slightly sunburnt and full of good food with a heart full of family time. That is the best kind of weekend in my opinion! Now my sister is visiting until Tuesday and my best friend comes into town on Wednesday so it will be a busy week! 

I could just eat her up!!!! 


Sweet Thoughts(: