
Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Catch Up

It was a busy week last week with company in town and traveling over the weekend so let's just dive right in and catch up! 

  • Our sweet girl has no shortage of monogrammed items thanks to Justin's cousin, Carlee.  Her monogrammed diaper covers are my favorite! 
  • Last weekend we attended my families reunion in my hometown. It was so nice to see all of my family that we only get to see once a year. They all loved meeting Anna Claire! It was also the second time my grandmother got to meet AC. She is her only great grandchild and she is just so smitten with her! 
  • While at home we celebrated an early Fathers Day with my dad since we won't see him next weekend.

  • Last week my sister was in town the first part of the week and my best friend Ashley visited the second part of the week. I loved catching up and having them here! We ventured out when Ashley was here for lunch and drinks on the waterfront.
  • I also attended a girls night where I left Anna Claire for the first time. Justin watched her and she did sorta great. Aka screamed half the time and then did great the second half. I was only gone for two hours but it was so nice to let go of the mommy role for a bit! I'm going out to dinner with two friends tonight and we are going to try again. Fingers crossed for a smooth night with no tears! 
Anna Claire with her aunt Ginny! 

All the cuddles, all the time (: 


  1. I love her little monogrammed bloomers! Glad she did well for your first time away and that you got to enjoy a girls' night. That sounds like the first time I left my daughter, too!

  2. I hope your dinner went better last night! Those first few times you leave are so hard but good for all of you <3


Sweet Thoughts(: