
Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Anna Claire- Newborn Photos

Oh my goodness... I can't believe I forgot to share Anna Claire's newborn photos on here!! I debated long and hard if I wanted to hire a photographer and ultimately decided to wait until she is just a little older and have professional pictures taken then. For these my sweet sister took them using my Cannon EOS Rebel camera and they turned out great! I could just eat up every squishy newborn roll on her!!! 

her hair!!


  1. These turned out so beautiful! Great job to your sister!

  2. These are all great-I especially love the one with your pup in the picture, we're so looking forward to having newborns done when our little guy arrives and having his big lab brother in some of them too!

    xoxo, SS

    Southern and Style

  3. Oh my gosh, she is just soo beautiful. Love the monogram bloomers.


Sweet Thoughts(: