
Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Weekending- Fathers Day

A day late but that's okay! I can't miss recapping our first Fathers day weekend as a family of 3! We had the best weekend split between guys time for Justin and girls time for me and family time the rest  of the weekend. On Thursday one of my life long best friends and her mom (my "second" mom) came to town for a girls weekend. We took it easy on Thursday and spent Friday walking, catching up, grabbing some seafood and attending happy hour. They got lots of baby cuddles which is everybodies favorite these days. On Saturday mom offered to watch Anna Claire so I could lay out on the beach for two hours which was so nice! We have these girls weekends occasionally and they are always so good for the soul. Justin was busy that whole time working, grilling out with his friends and golfing which worked out perfectly. 

On Saturday night I said my goodbyes and headed home to start Fathers Day celebrations. We went to dinner with Justin's parents at a new restaurant called Oyster Rock. On Sunday I made Justin breakfast and Anna Claire and Henson gave him his first Fathers Day gift. It has always been a special holiday but it is just that much more special (and fun) now that Justin is a daddy! We went to church for the first time since Anna Claire was born. She was an angel and slept the entire service. We stopped by a new brewery on our way home to play some Uno and have a drink then headed home to watch golf the rest of the day. We ended the weekend with a walk around the neighborhood and an early bedtime. It was perfect! 

Happy Fathers Day Justin! We love you! 

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