
Thursday, June 21, 2018

Newborn Favorites 0-2 Months

I can.not.believe my baby is almost two months old!!!! Time has just flown by. I always love seeing what other peoples favorite baby items are so I thought I would share some of the things that have made life so much easier for us the past two months with a newborn. All of the items on this list we use daily. 

We have this exact rock n' play and it is worth every penny! We have used this every single day, multiple times a day. Anna Claire sleeps in her bassinet beside our bed but she naps in this throughout the day. We keep it in the living room and it's great to have a place to lay her down. For naps if I swaddle her, give her a paci, turn on some white noise and put her in this she falls asleep within 5 minutes. It is also great for traveling since it folds up flat.

I was so confused on what gear we really needed between a rock n' play, swing and bouncer. I was hesitant to purchase a swing so when my friend offered to let me borrow hers I jumped on it. Now after using it I realize how essential it has been for us. We will be purchasing another one for baby number two! Anna Claire started using this daily when she was about three weeks old. We put her in it as part of "play time" and she LOVES it. We crank the swing up to its highest setting and it will keep her occupied for a solid 20 minutes which is great if you are cooking dinner, doing laundry, etc. She also found the star mobile and it is the CUTEST thing I have ever seen. She gazes and just smiles away at the stars the whole time.  Just that look alone is worth the money! I often see these at second hand baby consignment stores so be sure to look there because they can be pricey.

While we LOVE our Aden and Anais swaddle blankets (another must have) they are not as secure at swaddling as these velcro Swaddle Me swaddles. Without a swaddle on, Anna Claire will only nap for about 20 minutes before she wakes herself up with the typical newborn startle reflex. These prevent that and help her get nice long stretches of sleep. We tried other brands such as Woombie and Halo (a close runner-up) but these have been our favorite! They are also so much easier to use than a traditional blanket like they use in the hospital.

I don't mind admitting I'm obsessed with our infant carseat! When you are a first time mom registering for baby gear can be confusing. One of the questions I had was if I should get an infant car seat and then later on purchase a convertible car seat or if I should skip the infant seat and go straight to the convertible seat. I learned that it is worth every penny to get the infant seat!! After tons of research we chose the Chico Key Fit 30 and I LOVE it! If you follow along you may remember that Anna Claire and I were rear ended by another car when she was just a month old. She was buckled in this car seat and it kept her safe and injury free which is by far the most important thing. Another thing I love about this car seat is how EASY it is to take it in and out of your car. It literally clicks in, clicks out... It's so easy. There have been several times when she is sleeping and instead of waking her up to get her out of her car seat we just remove the car seat and snap it into our stroller (Baby Jogger- City Select, which I also love) and go about our business. I love it and would purchase it again in a heartbeat! 

When nothing else will calm our little one being worn in the Solly Wrap will. She LOVES to be worn and I love it also! It is also so convenient if you need your hands free. You can often find Anna Claire hanging out in the Solly while I make breakfast or walking out to the pool/beach when my hands are full carrying a million other things.   

I purchased a Puj tub for the sink and this Angel Care one and the Angel Care is by far my favorite. The Puj always came unsnapped mid bath causing Anna Claire to start falling over. We love the Angle Care and she LOVES bath time! 

Baby Dome

snoozing away in her baby dome! 

This is the only product on the list that we don't actually use daily but it has gotten tons of use and has come in so handy. This baby dome blocks the sun and keeps Anna Claire nice and cool when we are outside at the beach, pool, beach music concerts, etc. I place my battery operated stroller fan in their and she naps away and stays nice and cool. It also folds up and is SO easy to carry. If she had been born in the winter this item probably would not be worth it but for a spring/summer baby it's great! 


Other honorable mentions that we love and can be found all around our house, in the stroller, in the diaper bag and pretty much everywhere we go: pacifiers, Aden and Anais swaddle blankets, diapers and wipes (duh) but we have been most impressed with Pampers and lansinoh disposable nursing pads if you are breast feeding (especially until your milk regulates these are a must). 

For fun I asked Justin his top 5 baby products to get a dads point of view and he was pretty much spot on with my favorites- swaddles, pacifiers, rock n play, swing and burp cloths. (: 


Sweet Thoughts(: