
Friday, September 28, 2018

5 on Friday

One. Enough said. I am just as ready as the next person for crisp cool weather, pumpkin spice lattes, boots, sweaters and all the fall things BUT.... it is still nearly 90 degrees here every day. You gotta love Fall in the south right?!

Two. I'm in LOVE with my new coffee table book Whiskey in a Teacup by Reese Witherspoon. It is a gorgeous book with so many fun tributes to southern ways. I love love love it! My favorite chapters are: Hot Rollers, Red Lipstick and Steel Magnolias and If it's Not Moving, Monogram It. This is such a cute book!  

Three. Due to the aftermath of Hurricane Florence public schools here are out another week. This will make week 4 of no school! It is just so sad all of the devastation the hurricane caused for so many people. This has been a good reminder to myself about the importance of helping others. It has been really neat to see our community truly rally together to help each other out. Our world needs a little less division and a lot more love. It's sad that sometimes it takes a disaster to all come together! 

Four. My child is drooling SO much... fellow mamas, do you think she is starting to teeth? When you soak all of your clothes you resort to a diaper and a bow.. right?! 

Five. Fall TV is here! What are you all watching? My DVR is set to record The Good Doctor, Grey's Anatomy, This is Us and Manifest. Am I missing anything that I need to see?

Have a wonderful Friday friends! 


  1. I recorded Manifest, but I haven't watched it yet. What did you think of This is Us and Grey's????

    1. I thought Manifest was really good, I'm already hooked! This is Us was also good but I haven't watched Grey's yet!

  2. My sister surprised me and got me Reese's book - I can't wait to dig in! xo, Biana BlovedBoston

  3. Oh she is such a cutie..
    I stopped watching Grey's a few season's ago..
    Was wondering about Manifest.. may check it out.

  4. I'm glad to hear you love Reese's book (but then, who wouldn't?!) - it looks so good! I need to grab a copy. I just watched Steel Magnolias for the first time, isn't that a sin? I think your little girl could definitely be starting the teething process! All that drool is a surefire sign!

  5. honestly, she is just so cute. obsessed with ozark, billions, the americans, and of course the homeland series if you haven't seen that one. we also just started the affair, but I'm not sold yet.


Sweet Thoughts(: