
Tuesday, October 9, 2018

5 on Tuesday

I’m posting what was supposed to be a 5 on Friday post on Tuesday morning. I know... crazy. Our weekend was SO busy traveling out of town for a wedding I forgot to hit publish and then our Monday was just as busy. It was worth every busy second though to see one of my best friends get married! So as I rush off to work this morning with a second cup of coffee in hand I’m going to pretend like it’s Friday and go ahead and post my 5.

One. Happy Friday Tuesday! I was super excited about  Friday for several reasons. First, teachers JUST went back to school for the first time since Hurricane Florence but I had already planned to take Friday off for a wedding which means I only had a one day work week. Second, my life long friend, Caroline is getting married!! 

Two. You know that dilemma where it's Fall... and it's October.... and all the stores are selling sweaters and pumpkins..... but it's also in the upper 80's? That is Fall in the south. I guess I'll be sporting my sweaters with shorts and slightly sweating until it cools off some.

Three. I'm at the age where we are replacing wedding invitations with baby shower and birthday party invitations. This year we have been invited to three first birthday parties and I was at a loss as to what to bring. The first birthday is so special but it's hard to shop for toys when you don't know what they already have and clothes are so hit or miss depending on their size. I think some sort of personalized gift instantly makes your gift that much more thoughtful. I LOVE the last two gifts we found for some of our friends doll babies. This personalized beach towel and this name puzzle make an awesome first birthday gift! I linked both in case you are in search for a gift as well! 

Four. We hosted some friends over for dinner this week.We served ribs, squash casserole, Fall salad, bread and homemade apple pie. I used an oldie but goodie apple pie recipe found here. So yummy and perfect for Fall! Also, this pie is made in a brown paper bag. How cool is that?! 

Five. The Fall salad was also SO good. I used sliced apples, toasted walnuts, crumbled blue cheese, craisins and bacon on top of a bed of lettuce with a raspberry walnut vinaigrette. DELICIOUS! 

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Sweet Thoughts(: