
Saturday, September 15, 2018

Anna Claire l 4 Months

Y'all.. it has been c.r.a.z.y around here. So crazy that I have actually had this post typed up for two weeks and just never pressed publish. Two weeks..... so now I actually have a 4 1/2 month old. But better late than never right?! Also, I've had several people reach out and ask- we were under mandatory evacuation orders for hurricane Florence so we did evacuate and we are safe and sound in my home town. There is no telling when we will make it back home but atleast we are all safe! 


I can't believe I have a four month old! This is about the time that I found out I was expecting last summer. So much has changed in a year! This may have been my favorite month. Anna Claire is developing her own personality and growing and changing everyday. It is so much fun to watch! There is nothing I love more than being her mommy! 

Weighing in at 13 pounds 12 ounces and 25 inches long! She is in 3-6 month clothes and about to transition from size one to size two diapers.

She is still an excellent sleeper. She sleeps 7:30-6:40 and is up once in the middle of the night to nurse. She is napping about four times a day anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour and a half each time. She's still in the pack 'n play by our bed- our choice! I love having her there and it makes nighttime nursing so much easier. She naps in the crib like a champ at her nana's house while we are at work!

Not much has changed in this area. Anna Claire still eats every three hours except at night when she will go longer. She is taking two bottles while I'm at work and adjusted to that well. I'm pumping while I'm away from her which I do not love but think is so worth it. 

This month Anna Claire rolled over for the first time (tummy to back), has started reaching and grabbing for objects and puts EVERYTHING in her mouth. She is drooling up a storm which could be a sign teething will be starting soon. She attended her first birthday party, traveled to my hometown again and attended her first baby shower! 

Anna Claire loves being talked to and smiled at, walking around and looking in mirrors, watching golf with her daddy and putting things in her mouth. She likes sitting in her jumper even though she isn't actually jumping yet. She also loves to try to spin her suction cup wonder wheel toy

She does not like being tired. 

It has been such a fun month with our baby girl! 

1 comment:

  1. Very cute!!!

    I make and sell headbands and I have other headbands as well



Sweet Thoughts(: