
Monday, September 24, 2018


I guess this is a weekend recap.. or maybe just a recap. I honestly cannot even keep my days straight right now. We are on week THREE of being out of school for hurricane Florence. It has been such a whirlwind since we realized the hurricane was something that needed to be taken serious and our town was put on a mandatory evacuation. I'll just play catch up real quick... we evacuated to my hometown to ride out the storm. It was super nice to enjoy time with my family but all the while it was really weird and nerve racking watching the news and seeing what was going on back home. Once the hurricane passed they did not lift the evacuation right away and even if they had SO many roads were closed because of flooding I don't know if we could have made it back. After 6 days of being gone we were able to head home. We are SO thankful that we came home to a house with very minimal damage. Many of the neighborhoods just miles from our house and in all of the surrounding areas are STILL flooded. It is absolutely devastating! So, with roads being closed [so many sinkholes, so much flooding, so much devastation] we are on week three of no school. I have to admit that I am enjoying the extra days home with Anna Claire but my heart breaks for all that have been affected! 

Moving on to this weekend.. Friday night we made homemade pizza and rented the movie Life of the Party. It was funny and nice to have a calm night at home. With an almost 5 month old that is really all our Fridays consist of and I am A-Okay with it! On Saturday I snuck out for a few hours to go to the beach with some girl friends. You have to love Fall in the south- 86 degree beach days! That night Justin went to watch a football game with friends so Anna Claire and I ventured out to do a little shopping. Justin surprised me by coming home early which completely made my night and we watched another movie.. so rare for us. This time we rented Blockers which is hilarious! 

Sunday was spent at church, cleaning and decorating for fall. I would be remiss if I didn't share this hilarious story... Our church hosted a thank you lunch for the service workers in our community that have been working countless hours in the wake of Hurricane Florence. Anna Claire was being a doll sitting in my lap while we finished up eating when I felt her tooting. I didn't think anything about it until I went to pick her up. Y'all.... my child had blown out her diaper and it had leaked THROUGH her diaper, THROUGH her adorable brand new monogrammed outfit and ONTO my dress. It was literally all the way up her back almost to her hair. I don't even know how that happened, but it did. I had the pleasure of walking past everyone in the fellowship hall with baby poop all over my dress. I can't make this stuff up. What do you do? It was honestly hilarious. My husband followed me to the nursery to change her and got a nice little video that we can hold over her head when she brings her first boyfriend home ;) .. I kid. A Sunday well spent! 

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you guys are safe after the hurricane and that you are getting some extra time with your little one! The silver lining for sure.


Sweet Thoughts(: