
Tuesday, September 25, 2018

What I'm Reading

I'm always looking for book recommendations and have about a million books on my "to read" list. Here are some of my more recent reads and what I thought about them in case you are looking for a book to add to your own "to read" list!

Would I read it again? Yes

Recap and my thoughts: I thought this book was really funny and addicting. A thriller about a young woman seeking money and the perfect lifestyle and another woman who seems to have it all. Their lives cross in the craziest way and hidden secrets are revealed. I'll just say .. you never know what someone else is going through! I loved this book and the twist at the end.

Would I read it again? Yes!

Recap and my thoughts: A historical fiction novel set in Cuba in the 1950's. This is not the normal type of book I gravitate towards but I loved it so much. I learned a lot about Cuban political history with this book. The whole time I couldn't wait to find out how the main character's love story would play out. This is a great book! 

Would I read it again? YES! In fact, I think I'm going to. 

Recap and my thoughts: Jen Hatmaker is hilarious and often had me laughing out loud. She lays it all out and reminds us of Jesus' grace and how that relates to our everyday struggles as a wife, mom, church member and just a normal person living in this crazy world. I really enjoyed this book!

Would I read it again? Yes!

Recap and my thoughts: A book about young love and hard choices for an immigrant family. I really enjoyed this book and found myself rooting for each of the characters. I would read this again in a heartbeat. 

Would I read it again? Yes

Recap and my thoughts: This is the second book in her Peachtree Bluff series. A southern fiction book that touches on sisterhood and family. I love all of her books and this one was no different! I'm already counting down until book three is released! If you like southern fiction then you need to look up her other books! 

Would I read it again? No

Recap and my thoughts: A self help book if you will where Rachel Hollis tells her stories to motivate you to live your best life. I guess I'm glad I read this to see what all the hype was about but this was honestly not my favorite. I had to force myself to finish it. I felt like she talked about herself a lotttttt and at the risk of sounding rude, I just didn't care. This book was advertised in the Christian section but I found that she missed so many opportunities to point people to Jesus. Instead she had a very "me" attitude. Not my favorite and I would not recommend. 

Would I read it again? Yes, but I wouldn't plow through it. Instead I would just leave it on my bedside table or in Anna Claire's nursery to read a chapter here and there. 

Recap and my thoughts: A collection of essays about all things motherhood. There are a lot of really beautiful thoughts that made me think YES YES and YES.. that is exactly how I feel. It's a sweet book and would make a great gift to a new mommy! 

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That was a lot. It's been way too long since I've done a post like this. I'll have to work on that. Maybe monthly would be better -- Note to self! Also, I wanted to mention that I check out as many books as I can from the library. Buying books can get expensive y'all! Of course there are some books I order off Amazon if my library doesn't carry them but if I can read it for free then why not?! It seems like my generation has completely forgotten libraries exist so I just wanted to throw that out there... Happy reading friends! (: 

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Sweet Thoughts(: