
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Me Time

I'm having one of those sun is shining, checking a crazy amount of things off the to do list, perfect coffee kinda day. Thursday's make me happy because until 3 in the afternoon I am free to do whatever I please. Normally I spend my Thursday's running errands, cleaning and catching up on school work. I have several assignments due on Monday but figured I should knock them out because this weekend will be too jam packed to worry about school. I don't know about you but being productive makes me SO happy! There is not a better feeling than checking things off of the to-do list!

Since I am in a very happy mood I wanted to share with you some of the things that are contributing to this wonderful day.

1. First and foremost (and not a thing)

I am so thankful for all of my amazing friends and family. I am at a time in my life where I truly believe God has surrounded me with the best friends I will ever have and the most supportive family I could ask for. I will get to spend time with all of these people together this weekend and I am so thankful.

2. My newest investment: Banana Republic Riding Boots
These aren't the exact ones but they are very similar!
I actually got them in New York but haven't worn
them yet- until today. [insert happy face]

3. My New Coffee Pot
I just bought my first coffee pot that is really mine.
I was spending way too much money at Starbucks and
realized it was finally time to make that big girl step(;

4. Supplies I picked up to make Halloween goodies
I will be sure to post on the final project closer to Halloween!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I need advice!

This week has been insane.. my Mondays and Tuesday's have enough packed in them for the entire week. Tuesday's are internship days which are fun but exhausting. Now that I am finally getting to sit down and breathe I can think of things that keep me sane. Like the country club social this Friday and the football game against UNC on Saturday! Yay! I am having some issues however and would LOVE some advice! First item on the agenda is what to wear to the game? I know it isn't until Saturday but I have been trying to figure this out for a good two weeks... It is never too early to plan an outfit for game day! I have so many game day outfits I could pull out but this game is going to be at night time and the low is going to be in the 40's. That is too cold for my little game day dresses! It is the most anticipated game of the season and my parents will be here so it has to be a good outfit. What's a girl to do?? In the past I have gone with a simple scarf to add color.

I just don't know, suggestions would be great! Item two on the agenda is what I should make?! The parents are cooking a full tailgate meal- barbecue and all the fixins. I really want to make something special but I'm just not sure what. I tried an artichoke dip last year and it turned out great. Here are some pinterest inspirations I have had. Do you have any suggestions for the perfect tailgate food?

Any suggestions would be appreciated!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011


How was everyones weekend? Mine went by in the blink of an eye but was so much fun! Friday night I had a lovely dinner with my roommate and her parents before heading to the social downtown. The parents were a little calmer this year.. until they went out after the social. All in all a very fun night!

Saturday was the football game against UAB and we pulled out a win! Thank goodness! The rain held up and while it wasn't sunny it was still nice outside! I got to see SO many people I haven't seen in a while so that was a treat! It was a long day but my roommate and I did manage to regroup after the game and head back out which was a GREAT decision(: There was an 80's cover band playing at my favorite bar! Amazing music, dollar Woodchuck (yes, please!), friends and a very cute dance partner made it one of the best nights I have had in a while. I haven't uploaded pictures from the concert yet but will try to soon!

Sunday moved very slow and homework dragged on but my little did make me homemade chicken casserole. So sweet and yummy!! I'm already ready for next weekend when we play UNC! I hope yall had a good weekend!!

Friday, September 23, 2011


Friday's are amazing. I'm so excited it is finally the weekend! It is parents weekend at my school as well as game time! My parents aren't going to be able to make it but I am excited to see all my friends parents! Tonight my sorority has a social downtown for everyone to kick start the weekend. In the past it has proven to get crazy with parents "re-living" their college days and partying harder than their kids. It will be followed by a breakfast at the ZTA house in the morning and then it's officially GAME TIME! The pirates are playing UAB and will hopefully do better than they have the past two games. My only dilemma is the 60% chance of rain.. hm what to wear?! Do yall have any exciting weekend plans?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Falling in love with Fall

I don't think I can describe how excited I am that fall is approaching! I have been counting down the days until I could pull out my sweaters and smell the crisp fall air. I always think there are tons of exciting things going on in the fall and the weather is perfect. Not too cold, not too hot! It's hard to narrow down what I love the most about this amazing season but I'm going to try.

1. Sweater dresses and boots!
This one tops the list BY FAR.. I wish I could
wear a dress and boots every single day.. Its cute,
comfortable and so easy to dress up or down. perfect!

2. Pumpkin Spice Latte
no whip cream skim milk please! 
no words can describe how amazing and
"fall like" this drink is. Props to Starbucks!

3. Football!
No explanation necessary!

4. Scarves
They make any outfit stylish instantly

This is currently hanging on my refrigerator:
I hope yall have a great day(:

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

You know those days..

"You know those times when you feel like there's a sign there on your back, Say's I don't mind if ya kick me seems like everybody has. Things go from bad to worse, You'd think they can't get worse than that.. And then they do.."
- Rodney Atkins

You know those days? When NOTHING goes right? Like you overslept, were late for class, lost your flash drive with your group project on it, and your camera, Starbucks messed up your order that was supposed to make everything better causing you to be late for your next class... all by 10 am

Not to mention specifics or anything.. haha. Yes, it is one of THOSE days. Despite the bad morning I am remembering the things that make it still good. Like..

this picture my friend Ashley sent me when I told her about my morning

That even though my order was wrong it was still amazing

I'm having a good hair day (;

Country music I can always seem to relate to 

That my weekend starts tomorrow

and finally that I am blogging and tweeting again! (I had to deactivate my
twitter for recruitment and finally got it back yesterday, yay!)

so all in all..

Monday, September 19, 2011

Catch Up

I have been the worst blogger ever the past couple of weeks. My apologizes! With the start of school and everything else going on in my life I think I became a little overwhelmed. Even though I have not been posting, I have been keeping up with everyone elses! I think I am finally ready to get back to the swing of things. I've had so many happy thoughts running through my head, and everytime I think "I should blog about that." Here is to a new start(:

So to catch you up on a few things:

-We have had two football games
They didn't end very well but I'm sure the Pirates will
make a comeback THIS WEEKEND against UAB!

- Justin and I did break up but I think it is for the best

- Recruitment has been going on and ends TOMORROW! :)

- I just got back from New York!
Since this is my third visit to NYC I didn't spend too much time sightseeing
with the exception of visiting The Statue of Liberty. My time was spent
shopping for fall clothes and seeing The Lion King {which was AMAZING

That pretty much sums up everything major since I have been gone. I promise I will get back to normal with my postings!