
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Back at it, Running Edition

Running is something I've always wanted to do on a regular basis but also one of the hardest things for me to stick to. If you have followed me for a while you know that I've been a "yo-yo" runner. I'm on, I'm off, I'm on, I'm off... I just haven't ever been able to really stick with it. About this time last year I really began working hard at training for a 5K. I became super involved in running and started to absolutely love it. As soon as I ran the 5K in the spring I decided to take a "week break" that turned into a year break. Not cool, I know. I have decided with the weather starting to warm up I really want to get back in it. 

I am completely having to re train because I lost any and all endurance I had built up. I plan to use the Couch to 5K app to get me started. It basically lays out 9 weeks of interval (walk/run) training. I started it this week and really like it because it tracks your progress for you. Has anyone else followed the couch to 5K training program? 

Happy Monday Friends! 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Five On Friday

Naturally I typed up a 5 on Friday post and forgot to publish it.geez louise. We will call this Five on Saturday (:

Happy Friday friends! I'm linking up once again for Five on Friday with 4 of my favorite blogs Thanks for hosting AprilChristinaDarci and Natasha

one. I never had a chance to recap last weekend! It was such a nice time I want to make sure I document it. I headed to my hometown with my sister to celebrate her 22nd birthday. Justin came for the weekend as well so we could still do a little valentines celebration. After a weekend of family, two home cooked meals by my mom, 1 huge lunch at Macaroni Grill, 1 afternoon of drinks and Carolina basketball and a church service I left with a full heart and 5 pounds heavier. I kid.. hopefully.

two.Please just take a second to see how clever my boyfriend is. Ah, I was so tickled when I saw his very creative idea to protect his not so waterproof loafers from the snow.  

three. I have always loved chips and dip for a snack. When I saw this peach mango salsa I knew I had to try it. If you love peaches/mangoes then I think you would like it. I can't get enough of it! 

four. This week Eastern, NC has had temps in the upper 60's. I cannot express how much this gorgeous/oh so perfect weather has lifted my spirits. I always get very motivated when the temperature starts rising. I know this is just a tease as it is supposed to get very cold again soon but I am soaking up every second of the warm weather while I can! I was able to get out and do a little walk/run and it has me motivated to get back to running. whoop whoop! Motivation I tell ya. 

five. This weekend I am heading to the beach to see J. I am even more excited than normal because the nice weather is supposed to last throughout the weekend. We are going to a wine tasting on Saturday and I couldn't be more excited! 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Oh so thankful today

This morning I was sitting in a workshop listening to renowned author, Eric Jensen, coffee in hand, watching the snow fall. I couldn't help but feel so blessed at the moment. It's the little things that make the biggest difference! So today I thought I would share two of the things I am feeling extra thankful for today. 

one. I'm normally not a big snow fan because of not wanting to be stuck in the house or make up days at school but today I can't help but put those thoughts on hold. The snowflakes falling today are HUGE and absolutely GORGEOUS.

two. I joined a new all girls bible study that meets once a week. I've only been once but I can already tell it's going to be a perfect fit. The opportunity to join this particular one literally fell into my lap. I know it's meant to be! 

Have a happy Tuesday friends!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday Ramblings

Well hello there friends! It's been a good week since I was able to post anything around here. Why you may ask? Because my fairly new computer decided to completely crash for no apparent reason. Not cool. One week, a small headache and a pretty chunk of change and we are back up and running. Thank goodness! Since I am so far behind I'm just going to do a quick catch up of what's been going on lately. 

I've been going strong with the whole plant based whole foods diet and have truly been enjoying it. I have been taking a small break from it on the weekends though. My very first "cheat" meal was this buffalo chicken wrap and french onion soup, complete with a strawberry daiquiri. Oh em gee... so good! 

One sip of this and you will be ready for 80+ degree weather and a beach chair. I have to say I was ready for that way before I ordered this though! 

My buffalo chicken wrap inspired J to whip up some vegan buffalo chicken wraps made with tofu instead of chicken. I had never had tofu and was extremely hesitant. They turned out amazing though! I honestly couldn't tell much of a difference. This picture was before they were cooked and the sauce was added. I should have taken another one when they were ready but I was starving and therefore no time for pictures. 

I haven't bowled since my freshman year of college when I took an actual bowling class ( I ended up in that class I do not know). Some friends and I decided to switch up our normal Saturday night and head out for a night of Extreme bowling. So much fun, even for J who might have been the only male in a sea of girls. Haha

A coworker and very close friend of mine going out on the town one night. Everyone at school since day 1 has said we resemble each other. What do you think? Funny story, when I interviewed for my job I found out later that when I left my interview the janitor asked my current principle why she was interviewing me since I already worked there. It was actually Katie that already worked at the school but he thought I was her. Ha! We now work on the same hall, teach the same grade, have become great friends. Confusing staff and students daily(;

Out that same night celebrating Carroll's birthday! 

Most of these pictures are from the weekend so I have to quickly add that my "week day life" aka eat, sleep, first grade, repeat.. has been so rewarding lately. I've been going to bed not dreading going to "work" but instead excited for another day to teach my kiddos. They have been extra sweet lately and I seem to be extra energized and ready to try new things. Love this feeling!

Now I'm starting another week with a possibility of snow. I may be a tad bit of a grinch when I say GO AWAY SNOW! I have way too many things to do (whole brain teaching seminar, 100th day of school, valentines day) for snow to shut down eastern NC. Fingers crossed it's nothing big!